%PDF-1.3 1 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Outlines 2 0 R /Pages 3 0 R >> endobj 2 0 obj << /Type /Outlines /Count 0 >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Type /Pages /Kids [6 0 R ] /Count 1 /Resources << /ProcSet 4 0 R /Font << /F1 8 0 R /F2 9 0 R /F3 10 0 R >> >> /MediaBox [0.000 0.000 612.000 792.000] >> endobj 4 0 obj [/PDF /Text ] endobj 5 0 obj << /Creator (DOMPDF) /CreationDate (D:20240512200802+00'00') /ModDate (D:20240512200802+00'00') /Title (IT-artikels) >> endobj 6 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Contents 7 0 R >> endobj 7 0 obj << /Length 7784 >> stream 0.702 0.800 0.816 rg 34.016 34.016 543.969 723.969 re f 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg 45.266 138.904 521.469 607.830 re f 0.773 0.773 0.773 RG 0.75 w 0 J [ ] 0 d 45.641 139.279 520.719 607.080 re S 0.773 0.773 0.773 rg 61.016 617.359 m 550.984 617.359 l 550.984 618.109 l 61.016 618.109 l f 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg BT 278.868 698.693 Td /F1 10.5 Tf [(POST LIST)] TJ ET 0.200 0.200 0.200 rg BT 212.789 670.111 Td /F1 14.4 Tf [(INFORMASIETEGNOLOGIE)] TJ ET BT 221.824 643.466 Td /F1 11.7 Tf [(INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY)] TJ ET BT 61.016 583.841 Td /F1 14.4 Tf [(RANSOMWARE ATTACK USES FAKE SA POST OFFICE E-MAILS)] TJ ET 0.400 0.400 0.400 rg BT 61.016 564.033 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Be aware that a ransomware attack using fake SA Post Office e-mail has made its appearance recently on the Tygerberg )] TJ ET BT 61.016 553.044 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(network.)] TJ ET BT 61.016 533.055 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(The hacking attack, originating in Russia, uses fake e-mails from the SA Post Office to inform the victim of a parcel )] TJ ET BT 61.016 522.066 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(intended for delivery. The mail contains a link which downloads malicious software – in this case a nefarious variant of the )] TJ ET BT 61.016 511.077 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Cryptolocker malware.)] TJ ET BT 61.016 491.088 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Crypto ransomware is a type of malware used to extort money from victims by preventing access to their computer or files. )] TJ ET BT 61.016 480.099 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Recovery of infected systems is virtually impossible without clean backups.)] TJ ET BT 61.016 460.110 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(When the victim opens the malicious e-mail attachment, the virus attacks the target PC system, encrypts victim's files and )] TJ ET BT 61.016 449.121 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(displays a ransom note, which informs the victim that in order to restore access to their files, a ransom of between $100 )] TJ ET BT 61.016 438.132 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(and $500 must be paid. Victims have only a certain amount of time to pay a ransom or they will lose access to their files )] TJ ET BT 61.016 427.143 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(forever.)] TJ ET BT 61.016 407.154 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(If you have been backing up your data and have extra copies of your photos, documents, and other files, you won't need )] TJ ET BT 61.016 396.165 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(to pay a ransom. Reformatting your drive, and restoring the drive from backup is the only reliable way of undoing the )] TJ ET BT 61.016 385.176 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(damage.)] TJ ET BT 61.016 365.187 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Cryptolocker ransomware is a nasty infection. Criminals only seek to earn easy money and frequently manage to do so. )] TJ ET BT 61.016 354.198 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(For victims of this ransomware, I want to emphasise that paying the ransom will not solve the problem. There is no )] TJ ET BT 61.016 343.209 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(guarantee that your data will be restored. Making the payment will not help to remove Cryptolocker ransomware.)] TJ ET BT 61.016 323.220 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Here is some advice to prevent becoming a ransomware victim:)] TJ ET 0.400 0.400 0.400 RG 85.866 306.047 m 85.866 306.460 85.696 306.869 85.404 307.161 c 85.113 307.453 84.703 307.622 84.291 307.622 c 83.878 307.622 83.469 307.453 83.177 307.161 c 82.885 306.869 82.716 306.460 82.716 306.047 c 82.716 305.635 82.885 305.225 83.177 304.934 c 83.469 304.642 83.878 304.472 84.291 304.472 c 84.703 304.472 85.113 304.642 85.404 304.934 c 85.696 305.225 85.866 305.635 85.866 306.047 c f BT 91.016 303.231 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Use spam filters and be cautious when opening e-mails, especially if there are attachments.)] TJ ET 85.866 295.058 m 85.866 295.471 85.696 295.880 85.404 296.172 c 85.113 296.464 84.703 296.633 84.291 296.633 c 83.878 296.633 83.469 296.464 83.177 296.172 c 82.885 295.880 82.716 295.471 82.716 295.058 c 82.716 294.646 82.885 294.236 83.177 293.945 c 83.469 293.653 83.878 293.483 84.291 293.483 c 84.703 293.483 85.113 293.653 85.404 293.945 c 85.696 294.236 85.866 294.646 85.866 295.058 c f BT 91.016 292.242 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Make sure you are using reputable, up-to-date security products.)] TJ ET 85.866 284.069 m 85.866 284.482 85.696 284.891 85.404 285.183 c 85.113 285.475 84.703 285.644 84.291 285.644 c 83.878 285.644 83.469 285.475 83.177 285.183 c 82.885 284.891 82.716 284.482 82.716 284.069 c 82.716 283.657 82.885 283.247 83.177 282.956 c 83.469 282.664 83.878 282.494 84.291 282.494 c 84.703 282.494 85.113 282.664 85.404 282.956 c 85.696 283.247 85.866 283.657 85.866 284.069 c f BT 91.016 281.253 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Make sure your operating system and applications are up to date and fully patched.)] TJ ET 85.866 273.080 m 85.866 273.493 85.696 273.902 85.404 274.194 c 85.113 274.486 84.703 274.655 84.291 274.655 c 83.878 274.655 83.469 274.486 83.177 274.194 c 82.885 273.902 82.716 273.493 82.716 273.080 c 82.716 272.668 82.885 272.258 83.177 271.967 c 83.469 271.675 83.878 271.505 84.291 271.505 c 84.703 271.505 85.113 271.675 85.404 271.967 c 85.696 272.258 85.866 272.668 85.866 273.080 c f BT 91.016 270.264 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Run a regular scan of your computer.)] TJ ET 85.866 262.091 m 85.866 262.504 85.696 262.913 85.404 263.205 c 85.113 263.497 84.703 263.666 84.291 263.666 c 83.878 263.666 83.469 263.497 83.177 263.205 c 82.885 262.913 82.716 262.504 82.716 262.091 c 82.716 261.679 82.885 261.269 83.177 260.978 c 83.469 260.686 83.878 260.516 84.291 260.516 c 84.703 260.516 85.113 260.686 85.404 260.978 c 85.696 261.269 85.866 261.679 85.866 262.091 c f BT 91.016 259.275 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Set and use strong and unique passwords.)] TJ ET 85.866 251.102 m 85.866 251.515 85.696 251.924 85.404 252.216 c 85.113 252.508 84.703 252.677 84.291 252.677 c 83.878 252.677 83.469 252.508 83.177 252.216 c 82.885 251.924 82.716 251.515 82.716 251.102 c 82.716 250.690 82.885 250.280 83.177 249.989 c 83.469 249.697 83.878 249.527 84.291 249.527 c 84.703 249.527 85.113 249.697 85.404 249.989 c 85.696 250.280 85.866 250.690 85.866 251.102 c f BT 91.016 248.286 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Set passwords on all your hardware devices \(modems and routers\).)] TJ ET 85.866 240.113 m 85.866 240.526 85.696 240.935 85.404 241.227 c 85.113 241.519 84.703 241.688 84.291 241.688 c 83.878 241.688 83.469 241.519 83.177 241.227 c 82.885 240.935 82.716 240.526 82.716 240.113 c 82.716 239.701 82.885 239.291 83.177 239.000 c 83.469 238.708 83.878 238.538 84.291 238.538 c 84.703 238.538 85.113 238.708 85.404 239.000 c 85.696 239.291 85.866 239.701 85.866 240.113 c f BT 91.016 237.297 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Back up your data.)] TJ ET 85.866 229.124 m 85.866 229.537 85.696 229.946 85.404 230.238 c 85.113 230.530 84.703 230.699 84.291 230.699 c 83.878 230.699 83.469 230.530 83.177 230.238 c 82.885 229.946 82.716 229.537 82.716 229.124 c 82.716 228.712 82.885 228.302 83.177 228.011 c 83.469 227.719 83.878 227.549 84.291 227.549 c 84.703 227.549 85.113 227.719 85.404 228.011 c 85.696 228.302 85.866 228.712 85.866 229.124 c f BT 91.016 226.308 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Keep a backup copy of your data in a safe place, disconnected from your computer and the internet.)] TJ ET 85.866 218.135 m 85.866 218.548 85.696 218.957 85.404 219.249 c 85.113 219.541 84.703 219.710 84.291 219.710 c 83.878 219.710 83.469 219.541 83.177 219.249 c 82.885 218.957 82.716 218.548 82.716 218.135 c 82.716 217.723 82.885 217.313 83.177 217.022 c 83.469 216.730 83.878 216.560 84.291 216.560 c 84.703 216.560 85.113 216.730 85.404 217.022 c 85.696 217.313 85.866 217.723 85.866 218.135 c f BT 91.016 215.319 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Only visit reputable websites and online services.)] TJ ET BT 432.949 195.330 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [([ARTICLE BY DAVID WILES])] TJ ET BT 61.016 175.341 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET BT 61.016 156.852 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Posted in:E-mail,Security | Tagged:Phishing,Security | With 0 comments)] TJ ET endstream endobj 8 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F1 /BaseFont /Helvetica-Bold /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 9 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F2 /BaseFont /Helvetica /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 10 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F3 /BaseFont /Helvetica-Oblique /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj xref 0 11 0000000000 65535 f 0000000008 00000 n 0000000073 00000 n 0000000119 00000 n 0000000294 00000 n 0000000323 00000 n 0000000458 00000 n 0000000521 00000 n 0000008357 00000 n 0000008469 00000 n 0000008576 00000 n trailer << /Size 11 /Root 1 0 R /Info 5 0 R >> startxref 8692 %%EOF Ransomware attack uses fake SA Post Office e-mails « Informasietegnologie
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Ransomware attack uses fake SA Post Office e-mails

Be aware that a ransomware attack using fake SA Post Office e-mail has made its appearance recently on the Tygerberg network.

The hacking attack, originating in Russia, uses fake e-mails from the SA Post Office to inform the victim of a parcel intended for delivery. The mail contains a link which downloads malicious software – in this case a nefarious variant of the Cryptolocker malware.

Crypto ransomware is a type of malware used to extort money from victims by preventing access to their computer or files. Recovery of infected systems is virtually impossible without clean backups.

When the victim opens the malicious e-mail attachment, the virus attacks the target PC system, encrypts victim’s files and displays a ransom note, which informs the victim that in order to restore access to their files, a ransom of between $100 and $500 must be paid. Victims have only a certain amount of time to pay a ransom or they will lose access to their files forever.

If you have been backing up your data and have extra copies of your photos, documents, and other files, you won’t need to pay a ransom. Reformatting your drive, and restoring the drive from backup is the only reliable way of undoing the damage.

Cryptolocker ransomware is a nasty infection. Criminals only seek to earn easy money and frequently manage to do so. For victims of this ransomware, I want to emphasise that paying the ransom will not solve the problem. There is no guarantee that your data will be restored. Making the payment will not help to remove Cryptolocker ransomware.

Here is some advice to prevent becoming a ransomware victim:

  • Use spam filters and be cautious when opening e-mails, especially if there are attachments.
  • Make sure you are using reputable, up-to-date security products.
  • Make sure your operating system and applications are up to date and fully patched.
  • Run a regular scan of your computer.
  • Set and use strong and unique passwords.
  • Set passwords on all your hardware devices (modems and routers).
  • Back up your data.
  • Keep a backup copy of your data in a safe place, disconnected from your computer and the internet.
  • Only visit reputable websites and online services.



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