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Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Identity Thieves Modus Operandi – Part 2

In our previous article, we mentioned that identity theft isn’t always “high-tech”. It can happen to anyone, even if they don’t have a computer, use social media or own a cell phone. However, in this article, we’ll focus on “high-tech” methods of identity theft.

The identity thief’s goal is to obtain your personal information, such as your ID Number, bank or credit card account numbers, credit report information or the existence and size of your savings and investment portfolios. Once they have any of these, they can contact your financial institution pretending to be you or someone with authorized access to your account. The thief may, for example, claim that they have forgotten their chequebook and needs information about their account.

Credit or debit card theft – Many people believe credit card fraud and identity theft are the same. In reality, they are different crimes. The main difference between credit card fraud and identity theft is that credit card fraud typically involves a single credit account, but if your identity is stolen, the potential for damaging your credit history can be much greater, because someone can open numerous lines of credit in your name. Credit card fraud typically occurs when someone steals your credit card information and uses it to make unauthorized purchases. This can be done by stealing your purse or wallet or, if the criminal works at a retail store or in a restaurant, he or she may simply copy your credit card information during a transaction.

Pretexting – If you receive a phone call from someone from a reputable research firm asking you to participate in a survey, asking seemingly harmless questions like the name of your cell phone provider, bank, or even your preferred shopping centre, this is probably a pretexting scam. Pretexting is the practice of getting your personal information, such as telephone records, bank or credit card numbers, or any other information, under false pretences. A pretexter pretends they are someone else to obtain your personal information claiming they are from a survey firm and want to they ask you a few questions. Sometimes they will claim to be representatives from other types of organizations – not just survey firms –  but banks, SARS, insurance companies and ISPs.

Skimming – Identity thieves place small machines or skimmers, in the card slots of ATMs to steal credit and debit card numbers and pin codes from unsuspecting victims. This has also been reported to occur at some petrol stations where you can pay at the pump. It is not easy to look at a card reader and see that it has been altered in some way before you insert your debit or credit card, as some of the skimmers are so advanced that they are virtually undetectable. In some cases, a skimmer may remain in place for months at a time, unnoticed by employees of the “host” store and it could take months before victims realize that an identity thief has stolen their card number and PIN. Most victims only find out after the thief starts making illegitimate purchases or withdrawals from their accounts, often to the tune of thousands of rands.

Man-in-the-middle attacks – Smartphones and tablets have become a major point of access to the internet. There are many Wi-Fi networks that people can connect to from almost anywhere, for example, public libraries, airports, shopping malls and government or municipal facilities. Unfortunately, this also opens a “port of entry” for hackers which has led to the increase of “Man-In-The-Middle” attacks. A Man-In-The-Middle attack, also known under the acronym MITM, happens when a communication between two parties is intercepted by an outside entity. The perpetrator either eavesdrops on the communication or impersonates one of the two parties, making it appear as a regular exchange of data. A MITM attack targets users of enterprise email accounts, financial applications, and e-commerce websites in order to steal account details, credentials, bank account or credit card numbers and to monitor password changes.

Phishing – The Internet scam known as “phishing” (the “ph” substitution distinguishes the activity from the real “fishing” but the activity is intrinsically the same) is a spam email message that contains a link to what appears to be from a legitimate business, such as your bank, but it is actually a fake website. The email often states that you must update your account information through a bogus link to a phisher’s website and the user, unknowingly, gives out personal information to the fake website.

Pharming – A relatively new Internet scam is “pharming”. Using a virus or malware, the victim’s Internet browser is hijacked without their knowledge. If the address of a legitimate website is typed into the address bar of a browser the virus redirects the victim’s browser to a fake site.  All identifying information, such as bank passwords and credit card numbers, is collected by the scammers who steal the user’s identity.

Vishing – This is similar to “phishing”. However “vishing” scams attempt to trick targets into divulging personal information such as credit card, bank account and social security numbers using new telephone technology. Typically, “vishing” targets will receive a phone call from what appears to be a legitimate business, such as their bank or credit card issuer, and the victim is informed that their account has been compromised. The “visher” usually requests that the caller enter their account or credit card number or even their social security number to secure their account, thereby compromising the victim’s identity.

SMiShing (SMS phishing) – This form of “phishing” specifically targets smartphones. Smishing uses the scammers’ old favorite—phishing, to send out an email to entice their intended victims to click a link that downloads malicious software or virus on the smartphone. As its name implies, smishing comes from “SMS phishing”. A smishing attack goes after the smartphone via text message and usually occurs when a message is received from an unknown number that offers some sort of incentive. It might be telling you about a free offer, a coupon, that there’s something wrong with your account, or even more likely, it might claim that “your friend” has sent you a “greeting card” or message. Unlike viruses of the “old days” that sought to lock up your computer or disable your files, smishing attacks remain hidden and continue to feed information back to the smisher. Information like contacts list, email address books, and passwords are sent to the scammers.

Spear-phishing – Our last method is spear phishing. With this method, the scammer is targeting you specifically instead of just sending out random “shot in the dark” emails that someone might fall for. Spear-phishing is very successful, especially within environments like the university, because scammers pay attention to your internet activity and send you requests that look like the real thing, claiming to be from entities within your own environment. Scammers can pull off spear phishing attempts based on the information you share about yourself, as well as other bad habits such as using the same password for multiple websites. As soon as you post updates to social media, especially about accounts, people you interact with, purchases you’ve made, etc. you’re handing over vital information a scammer can use to target you.

How to protect yourself from identity theft:

  • Don’t give out your personal information on the phone, email or snail mail unless you’ve initiated the contact or unless you are sure it’s safe. And don’t feel guilty about saying No.
  • Never use your pet’s name, children’s name or a nickname as a password.
  • Ask your financial companies about their policies for preventing identity theft.
  • Be VERY careful about answering surveys — and certainly don’t give out any personal information to anyone who calls on the phone or asks via email. If you do answer survey questions, use common sense and don’t give out any information that could be sold or used by identity thieves. In other words “control” the information that you give out.
  • Tell your colleagues, family and friends about the dangers of identity theft. Awareness and sensitisation empower even the most “non-technical” person.

In the next article, we will be providing a bit of information about social engineeringKeep safe out there.

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