%PDF-1.3 1 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Outlines 2 0 R /Pages 3 0 R >> endobj 2 0 obj << /Type /Outlines /Count 0 >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Type /Pages /Kids [6 0 R ] /Count 1 /Resources << /ProcSet 4 0 R /Font << /F1 8 0 R /F2 9 0 R /F3 10 0 R /F4 11 0 R >> >> /MediaBox [0.000 0.000 612.000 792.000] >> endobj 4 0 obj [/PDF /Text ] endobj 5 0 obj << /Creator (DOMPDF) /CreationDate (D:20240517230448+00'00') /ModDate (D:20240517230448+00'00') /Title (IT-artikels) >> endobj 6 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Contents 7 0 R >> endobj 7 0 obj << /Length 10653 >> stream 0.702 0.800 0.816 rg 34.016 34.016 543.969 723.969 re f 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg 45.266 193.393 521.469 553.341 re f 0.773 0.773 0.773 RG 0.75 w 0 J [ ] 0 d 45.641 193.768 520.719 552.591 re S 0.773 0.773 0.773 rg 61.016 617.359 m 550.984 617.359 l 550.984 618.109 l 61.016 618.109 l f 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg BT 278.868 698.693 Td /F1 10.5 Tf [(POST LIST)] TJ ET 0.200 0.200 0.200 rg BT 212.789 670.111 Td /F1 14.4 Tf [(INFORMASIETEGNOLOGIE)] TJ ET BT 221.824 643.466 Td /F1 11.7 Tf [(INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY)] TJ ET BT 61.016 583.841 Td /F1 14.4 Tf [(EFFECTIVE VIRTUAL COLLABORATION SESSIONS?)] TJ ET 0.400 0.400 0.400 rg BT 61.016 564.033 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(When establishing the expectations for remote working, ensure all team leaders and practitioners understand how to )] TJ ET BT 61.016 553.044 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(communicate and collaborate effectively when working )] TJ ET BT 281.102 553.044 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(remotely)] TJ ET BT 315.608 553.044 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(?)] TJ ET BT 61.016 533.055 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(?)] TJ ET BT 66.020 533.055 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Principles)] TJ ET BT 109.040 533.055 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(?)] TJ ET 0.400 0.400 0.400 RG 85.866 515.882 m 85.866 516.295 85.696 516.704 85.404 516.996 c 85.113 517.288 84.703 517.457 84.291 517.457 c 83.878 517.457 83.469 517.288 83.177 516.996 c 82.885 516.704 82.716 516.295 82.716 515.882 c 82.716 515.470 82.885 515.060 83.177 514.769 c 83.469 514.477 83.878 514.307 84.291 514.307 c 84.703 514.307 85.113 514.477 85.404 514.769 c 85.696 515.060 85.866 515.470 85.866 515.882 c f BT 91.016 513.066 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Be on time, finish on time)] TJ ET BT 192.059 513.066 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(?)] TJ ET 85.866 504.893 m 85.866 505.306 85.696 505.715 85.404 506.007 c 85.113 506.299 84.703 506.468 84.291 506.468 c 83.878 506.468 83.469 506.299 83.177 506.007 c 82.885 505.715 82.716 505.306 82.716 504.893 c 82.716 504.481 82.885 504.071 83.177 503.780 c 83.469 503.488 83.878 503.318 84.291 503.318 c 84.703 503.318 85.113 503.488 85.404 503.780 c 85.696 504.071 85.866 504.481 85.866 504.893 c f BT 91.016 502.077 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Ensure that all voices are heard)] TJ ET BT 217.574 502.077 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(?)] TJ ET 85.866 493.904 m 85.866 494.317 85.696 494.726 85.404 495.018 c 85.113 495.310 84.703 495.479 84.291 495.479 c 83.878 495.479 83.469 495.310 83.177 495.018 c 82.885 494.726 82.716 494.317 82.716 493.904 c 82.716 493.492 82.885 493.082 83.177 492.791 c 83.469 492.499 83.878 492.329 84.291 492.329 c 84.703 492.329 85.113 492.499 85.404 492.791 c 85.696 493.082 85.866 493.492 85.866 493.904 c f BT 91.016 491.088 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Align on purpose, have a clear agenda)] TJ ET BT 245.105 491.088 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(?)] TJ ET 85.866 482.915 m 85.866 483.328 85.696 483.737 85.404 484.029 c 85.113 484.321 84.703 484.490 84.291 484.490 c 83.878 484.490 83.469 484.321 83.177 484.029 c 82.885 483.737 82.716 483.328 82.716 482.915 c 82.716 482.503 82.885 482.093 83.177 481.802 c 83.469 481.510 83.878 481.340 84.291 481.340 c 84.703 481.340 85.113 481.510 85.404 481.802 c 85.696 482.093 85.866 482.503 85.866 482.915 c f BT 91.016 480.099 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Exaggerate your voice, pronunciation and pitch to come better across)] TJ ET BT 367.649 480.099 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(?)] TJ ET BT 61.016 460.110 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Framework)] TJ ET BT 109.031 460.110 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(??)] TJ ET 85.866 442.937 m 85.866 443.350 85.696 443.759 85.404 444.051 c 85.113 444.343 84.703 444.512 84.291 444.512 c 83.878 444.512 83.469 444.343 83.177 444.051 c 82.885 443.759 82.716 443.350 82.716 442.937 c 82.716 442.525 82.885 442.115 83.177 441.824 c 83.469 441.532 83.878 441.362 84.291 441.362 c 84.703 441.362 85.113 441.532 85.404 441.824 c 85.696 442.115 85.866 442.525 85.866 442.937 c f BT 91.016 440.121 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Include dial-in details on all meeting invites )] TJ ET BT 279.080 440.121 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Including relevant MS teams, Skype or Zoom details on all invites is )] TJ ET BT 91.016 429.132 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(a small act that goes a long way, ensuring virtual workers are )] TJ ET BT 337.112 429.132 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(always included.)] TJ ET BT 403.136 429.132 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(?)] TJ ET 85.866 420.959 m 85.866 421.372 85.696 421.781 85.404 422.073 c 85.113 422.365 84.703 422.534 84.291 422.534 c 83.878 422.534 83.469 422.365 83.177 422.073 c 82.885 421.781 82.716 421.372 82.716 420.959 c 82.716 420.547 82.885 420.137 83.177 419.846 c 83.469 419.554 83.878 419.384 84.291 419.384 c 84.703 419.384 85.113 419.554 85.404 419.846 c 85.696 420.137 85.866 420.547 85.866 420.959 c f BT 91.016 418.143 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Give everyone an equal opportunity to share their voice )] TJ ET BT 331.595 418.143 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Meeting leaders should use purposeful breaks so that )] TJ ET BT 91.016 407.154 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(everyone has an opportunity to contribute. If you’re a )] TJ ET BT 303.632 407.154 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(participant, use the raise hand feature if you can’t find a )] TJ ET BT 91.016 396.165 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(break in the conversation. Make use of the chat function to pose questions and add comments without disrupting )] TJ ET BT 91.016 385.176 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(the )] TJ ET BT 106.028 385.176 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(current flow of conversation.)] TJ ET BT 218.573 385.176 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(?)] TJ ET 85.866 377.003 m 85.866 377.416 85.696 377.825 85.404 378.117 c 85.113 378.409 84.703 378.578 84.291 378.578 c 83.878 378.578 83.469 378.409 83.177 378.117 c 82.885 377.825 82.716 377.416 82.716 377.003 c 82.716 376.591 82.885 376.181 83.177 375.890 c 83.469 375.598 83.878 375.428 84.291 375.428 c 84.703 375.428 85.113 375.598 85.404 375.890 c 85.696 376.181 85.866 376.591 85.866 377.003 c f BT 91.016 374.187 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Turn on your camera )] TJ ET BT 183.041 374.187 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Turn on your video wherever possible and be camera ready. This helps all participants get )] TJ ET BT 91.016 363.198 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(the most out of virtual meetings. )] TJ ET BT 221.075 363.198 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(?)] TJ ET 85.866 355.025 m 85.866 355.438 85.696 355.847 85.404 356.139 c 85.113 356.431 84.703 356.600 84.291 356.600 c 83.878 356.600 83.469 356.431 83.177 356.139 c 82.885 355.847 82.716 355.438 82.716 355.025 c 82.716 354.613 82.885 354.203 83.177 353.912 c 83.469 353.620 83.878 353.450 84.291 353.450 c 84.703 353.450 85.113 353.620 85.404 353.912 c 85.696 354.203 85.866 354.613 85.866 355.025 c f BT 91.016 352.209 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Take your call somewhere quiet )] TJ ET BT 229.571 352.209 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Find a quiet space to participate. Open plan environments are saturated with )] TJ ET BT 91.016 341.220 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(background noise—make sure you use a professional headset.)] TJ ET BT 342.638 341.220 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(?)] TJ ET 85.866 333.047 m 85.866 333.460 85.696 333.869 85.404 334.161 c 85.113 334.453 84.703 334.622 84.291 334.622 c 83.878 334.622 83.469 334.453 83.177 334.161 c 82.885 333.869 82.716 333.460 82.716 333.047 c 82.716 332.635 82.885 332.225 83.177 331.934 c 83.469 331.642 83.878 331.472 84.291 331.472 c 84.703 331.472 85.113 331.642 85.404 331.934 c 85.696 332.225 85.866 332.635 85.866 333.047 c f BT 91.016 330.231 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Be on the call 2-3 minutes prior, or 5 if you are hosting )] TJ ET BT 326.582 330.231 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Join virtual calls 2-3 mins early to ensure an on time )] TJ ET BT 91.016 319.242 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(start. If you are the host aim for 10 minutes prior to ensure )] TJ ET BT 325.124 319.242 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(everything is working correctly. )] TJ ET BT 450.656 319.242 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(?)] TJ ET 85.866 311.069 m 85.866 311.482 85.696 311.891 85.404 312.183 c 85.113 312.475 84.703 312.644 84.291 312.644 c 83.878 312.644 83.469 312.475 83.177 312.183 c 82.885 311.891 82.716 311.482 82.716 311.069 c 82.716 310.657 82.885 310.247 83.177 309.956 c 83.469 309.664 83.878 309.494 84.291 309.494 c 84.703 309.494 85.113 309.664 85.404 309.956 c 85.696 310.247 85.866 310.657 85.866 311.069 c f BT 91.016 308.253 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Time your meetings and keep them short )] TJ ET BT 269.063 308.253 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Not all meetings need to be 45 –60 minutes long. Aim for short )] TJ ET BT 91.016 297.264 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(concise meetings that run efficiently—stick to an agreed agenda. )] TJ ET BT 351.143 297.264 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(?)] TJ ET 85.866 289.091 m 85.866 289.504 85.696 289.913 85.404 290.205 c 85.113 290.497 84.703 290.666 84.291 290.666 c 83.878 290.666 83.469 290.497 83.177 290.205 c 82.885 289.913 82.716 289.504 82.716 289.091 c 82.716 288.679 82.885 288.269 83.177 287.978 c 83.469 287.686 83.878 287.516 84.291 287.516 c 84.703 287.516 85.113 287.686 85.404 287.978 c 85.696 288.269 85.866 288.679 85.866 289.091 c f BT 91.016 286.275 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Use digital collaboration tools )] TJ ET BT 222.047 286.275 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(If one or more members in the meeting are attending virtually, consider using )] TJ ET BT 91.016 275.286 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(digital collaboration tools such as an in-built whiteboard.)] TJ ET BT 313.613 275.286 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(?)] TJ ET 85.866 267.113 m 85.866 267.526 85.696 267.935 85.404 268.227 c 85.113 268.519 84.703 268.688 84.291 268.688 c 83.878 268.688 83.469 268.519 83.177 268.227 c 82.885 267.935 82.716 267.526 82.716 267.113 c 82.716 266.701 82.885 266.291 83.177 266.000 c 83.469 265.708 83.878 265.538 84.291 265.538 c 84.703 265.538 85.113 265.708 85.404 266.000 c 85.696 266.291 85.866 266.701 85.866 267.113 c f BT 91.016 264.297 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Include meeting agendas/provide everything needed )] TJ ET BT 318.086 264.297 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(In the event that screen sharing does not work ensure )] TJ ET BT 91.016 253.308 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(others have copies of the file prior to the call \(at the very least the )] TJ ET BT 353.645 253.308 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(facilitator\). Upload any presentations beforehand )] TJ ET BT 91.016 242.319 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(to avoid technical obstacles.)] TJ ET BT 203.570 242.319 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(?)] TJ ET 85.866 234.146 m 85.866 234.559 85.696 234.968 85.404 235.260 c 85.113 235.552 84.703 235.721 84.291 235.721 c 83.878 235.721 83.469 235.552 83.177 235.260 c 82.885 234.968 82.716 234.559 82.716 234.146 c 82.716 233.734 82.885 233.324 83.177 233.033 c 83.469 232.741 83.878 232.571 84.291 232.571 c 84.703 232.571 85.113 232.741 85.404 233.033 c 85.696 233.324 85.866 233.734 85.866 234.146 c f BT 91.016 231.330 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Use the mute button )] TJ ET BT 180.521 231.330 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Use the mute button to prevent transmitting background noise when you’re not speaking.)] TJ ET BT 61.016 211.341 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Posted in:General | | With 0 comments)] TJ ET endstream endobj 8 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F1 /BaseFont /Helvetica-Bold /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 9 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F2 /BaseFont /Helvetica /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 10 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F3 /BaseFont /Helvetica-Oblique /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 11 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F4 /BaseFont /Helvetica-BoldOblique /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj xref 0 12 0000000000 65535 f 0000000008 00000 n 0000000073 00000 n 0000000119 00000 n 0000000305 00000 n 0000000334 00000 n 0000000469 00000 n 0000000532 00000 n 0000011238 00000 n 0000011350 00000 n 0000011457 00000 n 0000011573 00000 n trailer << /Size 12 /Root 1 0 R /Info 5 0 R >> startxref 11693 %%EOF Effective virtual collaboration sessions​ « Informasietegnologie
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Effective virtual collaboration sessions​

When establishing the expectations for remote working, ensure all team leaders and practitioners understand how to communicate and collaborate effectively when working remotely​


  • Be on time, finish on time​
  • Ensure that all voices are heard​
  • Align on purpose, have a clear agenda​
  • Exaggerate your voice, pronunciation and pitch to come better across​


  • Include dial-in details on all meeting invites Including relevant MS teams, Skype or Zoom details on all invites is a small act that goes a long way, ensuring virtual workers are always included.​
  • Give everyone an equal opportunity to share their voice Meeting leaders should use purposeful breaks so that everyone has an opportunity to contribute. If you’re a participant, use the raise hand feature if you can’t find a break in the conversation. Make use of the chat function to pose questions and add comments without disrupting the current flow of conversation.​
  • Turn on your camera Turn on your video wherever possible and be camera ready. This helps all participants get the most out of virtual meetings. ​
  • Take your call somewhere quiet Find a quiet space to participate. Open plan environments are saturated with background noise—make sure you use a professional headset.​
  • Be on the call 2-3 minutes prior, or 5 if you are hosting Join virtual calls 2-3 mins early to ensure an on time start. If you are the host aim for 10 minutes prior to ensure everything is working correctly. ​
  • Time your meetings and keep them short Not all meetings need to be 45 –60 minutes long. Aim for short concise meetings that run efficiently—stick to an agreed agenda. ​
  • Use digital collaboration tools If one or more members in the meeting are attending virtually, consider using digital collaboration tools such as an in-built whiteboard.​
  • Include meeting agendas/provide everything needed In the event that screen sharing does not work ensure others have copies of the file prior to the call (at the very least the facilitator). Upload any presentations beforehand to avoid technical obstacles.​
  • Use the mute button Use the mute button to prevent transmitting background noise when you’re not speaking.

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