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Deliveries and hardware support during lockdown

Even though Information Technology has been fully operational during lock down, most of our support is done remotely.  Some of our staff are in office on a rotational basis making hardware repairs and receiving deliveries possible.  However, we are still adhering to Covid-regulations and contact with staff are limited to the absolute necessary.

Stellenbosch campus:

  • Currently no deliveries are made to clients by IT.
  • Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays:   Suppliers deliver equipment to our offices.
  • Collection of equipment (new or repair) on Mondays to Fridays between 8:30 and 16:00.
    IMPORTANT:  If you have placed an order and it has been delivered, you will receive an automatic message from our system when the order has been processed, however this does not mean you should come to the offices and pick up your equipment. We will send you an email with a specific date to pick up your order.  (Example of email) 
  • Device repairs:  If you have equipment which needs to be attended to, log a request as usual and a technician will contact you where after you will receive an email with a date and instructions on when to bring the equipment to our offices and again when to pick it up.

Tygerberg campus:

  • Wednesdays:  Deliveries from Stellenbosch campus to Tygerberg
  • Pickup of new orders:  You will be contacted by a technician with a specific time for collection. 
  • Device repairs:  The same as Stellenbosch campus

For any enquiries, please log a request on the ICT Partner Portal. Please remember to provide a cell phone number where we can contact you.

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