Since the implementation of SUNid (Read more on SUNid here) a few months back, it’s already being used for the registration and administration of external workers and visitors by quite a few SU staff. But, as with any new system, there’s always a learning curve to adapt to and that’s why training is of utmost importance.
Hence, IT will be presenting short flash sessions of 30 minutes each for the next few months. During this 30 minutes the basics of SUNid will be demonstrated in a practical manner, after which another 30 minutes will be made available for any questions.
These sessions are a necessity if you are a SUNid user and will, in future, be compulsory for all staff requesting to be registered on the system.
The dates for training are scheduled during October and November on the Stellenbosch campus on the following days from 10h30-11h30:
16 October
22 October
28 October
6 November
13 November
20 November
27 November
Staff can register online via the SUN-e-HR option on the More information on training is available on the IT wiki.
IT can also facilitate one-on-one sessions with the “approvers” at departments or present information sessions at departmental meetings. To arrange this, please send us an e-mail at .