If admin and filing is just as frustrating to you as it is to me, you receive all your statements and accounts by e-mail rather than by snail mail.
How many times have we heard how important it is to make sure the information on your pc is safe and secure. Most of the time we think in terms of work related data and we’re not too worried. You have more personal information on your pc than you think. How easily we send bank details, passwords and other important info to other people via e-mail, because we just assume that it’s safe.
Have you considered how much personal information you have stored in your mailbox and what a cyber criminal can use it for? For this reason it’s of the utmost importance that you take certain measures when it comes to your computer’s security.
1. If you leave your desk for longer than a few minutes, rather lock your pc by typing the Windows and L key or using the Lock this computer-function when you type Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Your info will be safe from passing, prying eyes.
2. Choose passwords wisely (For more handy tips on the selection of a secure password, click here)
2.1 Be careful of using a password forming a pattern on your keyboard. This is one of the popular ways of choosing a password and also one of the easiest one to crack for a cyber criminal. Avoid something like 1q2w3e4r5t, !QAZ@WSX, qwertasdf or 654321 of 123456.
2.2 Rather be creative when selecting your password and think of a sentence unique to you, yet easy to remember. Use the first letter of each word and through in a digit or character to make it more difficult.
2.3 Always choose a password with at least 8 characters (letters, numbers, punctuation marks or special character like @$%^&*, etc.
3. Do not write down your passwords. It’s the same as leaving your key on your front doo’r’s steps.
4. Never save passwords in your browser, for example Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Safari. It’s extremely easy for someone to access those passwords. If your browser or any programme asks if the password should be saved, rather choose no, even if it’s less effort.
5. Do not give your password to anyone over the phone, e-mail or instant message (IM). Never reply to an e-mail requesting any passwords, account numbers or PINS.