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forgot password

Password synchronisation giving you a headache?

Friday, August 31st, 2012

Every 90 days you receive an email from asking you nicely to change your password. We all know that, although it’s a bit of a nuisance, it’s also necessary for security reasons. But is there a way to simplify the process?

In 2007 Microsoft Research conducted a study and found that the average user has 6.5 internet passwords, each person has approximately 25 accounts with passwords and has to enter 8 passwords per day.  And this was in 2007 – imagine what the statistics will look like 5 years later.

If you use more than one device, password changes can become a nightmare. But there are a few steps you can follow to make sure it goes a bit smoother.

Switch off all your devices except for one, for example your laptop.

Sign on at, select the Change Password option and select a new password according to the guidelines supplied on the website. Log out of the network with the Logout option given on Log onto the network with your new password. Make sure you can access all your network applications – email, internet and networkspace. Switch on all the other devices and type in your new password.

Remember, you can change your password any time at with the Change Password option. Try to stick to the guidelines to ensure you have a secure password – it will safe you a lot of effort and frustration in the long run. If you’ve forgotten your password, you can also reset is by browsing to staff portal.

More information and hints on password changes can be found at

Forgot your password (again!)

Friday, March 9th, 2012

Do you have the IT service centre’s number on speed dial in case you forget or lose your password for the umpteenth time? Now you don’t have to anymore.

Thanks to a new application developed by IT you can change your password on any of the portals (for example by clicking on the “Forgot password” link on the first page. A temporary password can be assigned to you in any of the following ways:

  1. Your cellnumber
  2. An external email address (if you are alumni)
  3. Security questions and answers

Please remember that the system can only reset your password if we have the correct information as mentioned above.

For enquiries contact the IT Service Desk at x4367.

IT Servicedesk: The voices on the other side of your phone

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012

Sorry, this entry is only available in Afrikaans.


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