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new IT building

Our new address

Friday, September 18th, 2015

After a week of moving offices, the IT division is settled into a new building. Since mid September we are no longer located in the Engineering complex, but in a brand-new building located between Facilities Management and the Maintenance division. You can read more about our new, green home here and also in September’s issue of Kampusnuus. (Also see contact information below)

After a brief period of down-time last week during the move, we are now completely up and running and once again. We’d like to thank our loyal clients for their continuous support and also patience during this short period.

IT-mapPlease take note that the IT HUB, on central campus, (see map right) will from now on be IT’s main service centre.

Staff can drop their equipment off at the IT HUB. All equipment will still be serviced at the main IT building, but minor adjustments, for example registering a personal device on the network, passwords, etc. can be done at the IT HUB.

Staff’s personal devices will be handled at the IT HUB or IT Workshop and staff can register 5 mac addresses (e.g. smart phones, tablets and laptops) on the network. These devices will receive limited support at the IT HUB.


Tel:  021-808 4367
Skype: ITStellenUni
E-mail: (for general enquiries) or (to log an error)
Twitter: @itstellenuni

Google Maps

Full instructions on how to log an error is available here. Please supply the correct information otherwise the call will not register on the system.

All our services are listed on our Service Catalogue and if you are brave enough, you can consult our Self-help wiki.

New building, new times

Friday, September 4th, 2015

it-gebouSince the 80s the Information Technology department has been located in a section of the Engineering faculty, just off Banhoekweg. Some of us have grown old with the building and became part of the furniture over time.

We are happy, ecstatic and enthusiastic to announce that this will change over the next two months. Yes, we are uprooting all our staff and in a mission of epic proportions relocating to a brand-new building where we will be rubbing shoulders with our new neighbours, Facilities Management. You can read more about our new, green home here and also in September’s issue of Kampusnuus.

As exciting as this new development is, there are also some logistic wrinkles that need ironing. Once they are ironed out, however, we’ll be providing a more convenient, streamlined service to everyone on campus.

Since we will now be even further away from central campus, the IT HUB, our current student centre, will become an additional service point. No longer do you have to lug that massive PC box across campus to the IT building and sprain an elbow doing so. You can now get assistance for your personal devices, as well as asset number PC (SU equipment) at the IT HUB. It works as follows:

SU equipment (with asset numbers and warranties)

Staff are welcome to drop their equipment off at the IT HUB if it suits them better. Just keep in mind this might cause a delay in service of at least a day. These include laptops and desktop PCs where a warranty is concerned.

All equipment will still be serviced at the main IT building, but minor adjustments, for example registering a device on the network, passwords, etc. can be done at the IT HUB.

Personal devices (no asset number or warranty)

Staff’s personal devices will be handled at the IT HUB or IT Workshop at a nominal fee. For a fee, staff can register 5 personal devices (e.g. smart phones, tablets and laptops) on the network. These devices will receive limited support at the IT HUB.

kaartWe will still be at your disposal through all the other channels and you can contact our service desk here:

Tel:  021-808 4367
Skype: ITStellenUni
E-mail: (for general enquiries) or (to log an error)
Twitter: @itstellenuni

Google Maps

Full instructions on how to log an error is available here. Please supply the correct information otherwise the call will not register on the system.

All our services are listed on our Service Catalogue and if you are brave enough, you can consult our Self-help wiki.

New IT building: What is a place of work?

Thursday, December 11th, 2014

Our fairly intensive participation in the design process for the new IT building got me thinking about what a place of work is and why a knowledge New IT building NW perspectiveorganisation, like an IT division, would have one. The new building is essentially an office building: it will not house technical infrastructure such as the data centre, but will be the place of work for the division’s engineers, system administrators, technicians, architects, analysts, software developers, managers, etc.

Besides the admittedly exciting “green” design features, such as the vertical garden, optimal orientation, solar PV panels, rainwater harvesting, bicycle store, and various other efficiency elements that will make it far more energy-efficient  and sustainable than other buildings of its type, the other intriguing possibility that it presents is the opportunity to influence change in the culture of the IT division. The catalyst for this “change of culture” could be the university’s new norms that require that all new office buildings be “open plan”. For an organisation that has become accustomed to being housed for the past 25 years in what can only be described as a “rabbit warren” of cellular offices leading off dark, desolate corridors, this is a radical departure. There seems to be much trepidation and negativity about our “open plan” future, some of which at least is simply related to humans’ default discomfort with change of any sort 1. (more…)


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