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New IT online request service

Thursday, October 4th, 2018

Information Technology recently implemented a new, user-friendly request and incident logging system for staff and students. Our aim was to deploy the system in such a way that you weren’t affected and the process of logging calls remained simple. The only difference is our new, clean and user-friendly look. We would like to encourage you to make use of the online logging system, also known as the ICT Partner Portal, to ensure faster service. 

Log in on our ICT Partner Portal at

The ICT Portal is the central point where you can easily log your IT-related issues without calling the IT Service Desk. Here you will also be able to keep track of the progress of your requests online.

As soon as you request a service or log an incident or error, the system automatically assigns a call number. The call number will appear in future email correspondence and updates related to your call. This will ensure that calls are grouped together and the information is easier accessible and better integrated. 

Even though the platform interface looks different, you will be able to perform the same actions as before. Staff and students are automatically registered as users – you only need to log on at with your SU username and password.

This is what the new interface looks like:

Alternatively, if you prefer not to use the online logging service, you can send an email to This will automatically log your request on our system. Keep in mind that if you use this method, it will take slightly longer to attend to your call as a helpdesk agent has to classify it first.

If you’ve recently requested a service by sending an email you might have noticed that the confirmation email looks slightly different. Your email will include a reference number, for example, ICT-123, your name and links to view your request. By clicking on the link, you will be diverted to the ICT portal where you can view the status of your request and leave a comment for the technician working on your request.

This is what the new email from IT will look like when you request a service:

For any additional enquiries, please contact the IT Service Desk at 021 808 4367.

Our new address

Friday, September 18th, 2015

After a week of moving offices, the IT division is settled into a new building. Since mid September we are no longer located in the Engineering complex, but in a brand-new building located between Facilities Management and the Maintenance division. You can read more about our new, green home here and also in September’s issue of Kampusnuus. (Also see contact information below)

After a brief period of down-time last week during the move, we are now completely up and running and once again. We’d like to thank our loyal clients for their continuous support and also patience during this short period.

IT-mapPlease take note that the IT HUB, on central campus, (see map right) will from now on be IT’s main service centre.

Staff can drop their equipment off at the IT HUB. All equipment will still be serviced at the main IT building, but minor adjustments, for example registering a personal device on the network, passwords, etc. can be done at the IT HUB.

Staff’s personal devices will be handled at the IT HUB or IT Workshop and staff can register 5 mac addresses (e.g. smart phones, tablets and laptops) on the network. These devices will receive limited support at the IT HUB.


Tel:  021-808 4367
Skype: ITStellenUni
E-mail: (for general enquiries) or (to log an error)
Twitter: @itstellenuni

Google Maps

Full instructions on how to log an error is available here. Please supply the correct information otherwise the call will not register on the system.

All our services are listed on our Service Catalogue and if you are brave enough, you can consult our Self-help wiki.

Overseas and need our help?

Friday, October 18th, 2013

Previously you could only reach us by phone or e-mail, then you could follow our blog and tweets.

Now you can contact us via Skype when you’re overseas and in dire need of some computer related assistance.

Save yourself those exorbitant international call costs and look for us on Skype by searching for or the username itstellenuni.


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