
Prof Nicola Smit

Professor of Law and Dean, Faculty of Law | Professor in Regte en Dekaan, Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid

BLC LLB cum laude (UP) LLD (RAU/UJ)





Nicola Smit started her academic career as a junior lecturer at UNISA. She joined the University of Johannesburg (then RAU) in 1996 as a lecturer. She eventually progressed to full professor and also served as Vice Dean of the UJ Faculty of Law. In 2013 she joined the NWU Faculty of Law as Executive Dean in Potchefstroom. Prof Smit has been Dean and Professor of Law of the Faculty of Law at Stellenbosch since August 2017.

Her areas of specialisation include labour law (both collective and individual) and social security law. Prof Smit is a NRF-rated researcher and she publishes widely and delivers keynotes and presentations at many national and international conferences. Although Prof Smit does not currently teach at undergraduate level, she continues to supervise postgraduate students in the fields of labour and social security law.

Prof Smit is a member of the International Advisory Board of The International Journal of Labour Law and Industrial Relations, member of the editorial board of International Labor Rights Case Law Journal, and co-editor and co-author of various books, including Law@work, Principles and Practice of Labour Law, Social Security: A Legal Analysis, Introduction to Social Security, Age Discrimination and Labour Law and The Law of Commerce.


Fields of specialisation

Labour Law

Social security law

Nicola Smit het haar akademiese loopbaan as junior lektor by UNISA begin. Sy het in 1996 as dosent by die Universiteit van Johannesburg (UJ) aangesluit (voorheen bekend asas RAU). Sy het uiteindelik tot volle professor gevorder en het ook gedien as visedekaan van die UJ Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid. In 2013 het sy by die NWU-Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid as Uitvoerende dekaan in Potchefstroom aangesluit. Prof Smit is sedert Augustus 2017 dekaan en professor by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch.

Haar areas van spesialisering sluit in arbeidsreg (beide kollektiewe en individuele) en sosiale sekerheidsreg. Prof Smit is ʼn NNS-gegradeerde navorser en sy publiseer en lewer hoofreferate en aanbiedings by verskeie nasionale en internasionale konferensies. Alhoewel Prof Smit tans nie op voorgraadse vlak klasse aanbied nie, gee sy leiding aan nagraadse studente op die gebied van arbeids- en sosiale sekuriteitsreg.

Prof Smit is lid van die Internasionale Adviesraad van The International Journal of Labour Law and Industrial Relations, lid van die redaksie van die International Labor Rights Case Law Journal, en mederedakteur en mede-outeur van verskeie boeke, insluitende Law@work, Principles and Practice of Labour Law, Social Security: A Legal Analysis, Introduction to Social Security, Age Discrimination and Labour Law and The Law of Commerce.


Areas van belangstelling


Sosiale sekerheidsreg

Publications/ Publikasies

Journal articles/Joernaalartikels

  • Smit N “International developments regarding the implementation of the right to strike” (2017) 38 Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal 101-121.

Online forum/Aanlyn forum

  • Van Niekerk A & N Smit (eds) Law@work (2018).

Chapters in books/Hoofstukke in boeke

  • Smit N “Collectivism and Trade Unions (Past, Present and Future) and the New World of Work: a commentary” in A Blackham, M Kullmann & A Zbyszewska eds Theorising Labour Law in a Changing World: Towards Inclusive Labour Law (2019), United Kingdom:  Bloomsbury & Hart Publishing.
  • Smit N “Transformative constitutionalism, equity, fairness and the workplace” in M Rönnmar & J Votinius Julén (eds) Festschrift for Ann Numhauser-Henning(2017).

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