Equine therapy for the University of Stellenbosch Welgevallen community
There has been a long historical connection between MATIES EQUESTRIAN CLUB [MEC] and the Welgevallen community, as the Club is based on the farm and members interact daily with members of the community. A desire for community involvement was experienced by members of the Club.
As early as the 1970s, horses began being used in the role of “co-therapist”, and Equine facilitated intervention has become an independent subfield of Animal Assisted Therapy. The use of horses which began as a way to benefit the physically challenged has developed into an opportunity for assisting those with other challenges. Equine Assisted Therapy is now an internationally recognized intervention, known to be especially effective in helping young people with issues of low self-esteem, communication, regulation of behaviour, problem solving and coping skills.
When a person finds the ability to work constructively with horses, their confidence in managing themselves is enhanced. Such Animal Assisted Therapy initiatives are becoming available in South Africa and we road tested one last year. An experimental (and successful!) pilot session was held by MEC with children aged between 4-15 years. Children who are often quiet and withdrawn in other engagements, showed open delight during the lesson. Fears were overcome and children who are normally reserved and often tearful, were laughing openly.
Based on this preliminary but constructive initiative, and the outcome thereof, a large-scale project is proposed here. The children have enquired about more such interventions several times, and are clearly enthusiastic, thus making them perfect candidates.
We wish to extend this project and make it part of the Club’s aims: An inter-disciplinary team of therapists and volunteers under the auspices of MEC wish to institute a long-term community development initiative using equine therapy at the core of the project. The focus will be particularly on personal growth interventions, to address some of the challenges facing this community.
Fundamentally, our intention with this programme is to contribute to social empowerment on a community level and to share the facilities and horses of Maties Equestrian Club in a socially responsible and constructive way. The ultimate outcome of this project would be, through equine therapy, to help vulnerable children acquire enough self-knowledge, confidence and trust to dream new futures and to achieve the goals they set for themselves.