God our constant Saviour and Friend


Psalm 124.If it had not been for the Lord who was on our side, men would have rose up against us and they would have swallowed us alive, if it had not been for the Lord on our side. This was the testimony of Israel, it was their evidence that they had gathered of their own personal walk with God. This spiritual walk is not easy, it is  thorny, rocky and it is a narrow path and there are only a few that find it ( Matthew 7:13-14). Our past might be used against us as stumbling blocks, our mistakes can be used as thorns and our flaws as rocks that cut us deep, but keep your eyes on the saviour (Acts 9:20-22) and increase in strength proving that this Jesus you have faith in is the Christ and in all this gathering your evidence of your own walk with God, having your own testimony. Lamentations 3:20-26, God is always faithful even when we are not and let us always remember that with we are never tempted beyond what we are able to take (1 Corinthians 10:13). And let us remember to bear each other’s burdens and do good at all times and be a bretheren’s keeper ( Galatians 6:9-10).

Posted in Devotionals.