Sep 262012

Professor Aslam Fataar

“…[t]he classroom is not a container that can be closed off, and when you’ve done that, you’ve generated a frame for your research. …the classroom [can be seen] as an extension of social space and time, and that carries with it educational processes that have their origins in the larger world. So the big challenge is to bring that lens on board for teachers.”

In this brief Professor Aslam Fataar, of the Department of Education Policy Studies, is interviewed by Dr Catherine Kell, a researcher commissioned by the CTL. Download the full interview with Professor Fataar here.

This is the first brief in the Centre for Teaching and Learning or CTL’s ‘Making a life’ series, where we explore the attitudes and experiences of academics at Stellenbosch University, with regard to their roles in teaching, research and what is generally called ‘community involvement’. The series was approached as a set of interviews with individual academics, which took the form of reflective conversations between a CTL researcher and the individual academic. Academics approached for the interviews were not sampled, but drawn from different departments and different disciplines, and tended to be those who had had some involvement with CTL. At times we have incorporated other texts into the brief, to enrich the sense of the activities academics engage in, in ‘making a life’.

  2 Responses to “‘Making a life’: Aslam Fataar and his Roles in Teaching, Research and Community Involvement”

  1. […] You are welcome to read and comment on the first interview in the series with Aslam Fataar by going to the CTL’s Teaching blog at the following address (copy and paste the address into your browser’s address bar if the link does not work): […]

  2. Great post about a lecturer’s adaptability in tough university terrain.

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