Sep 252012

Auxin Lunch Hour Seminar 25 September 2012: Digital storytelling

Presenters: Daniela Gachago and Veronica Barnes from CPUT.

Digital storytelling has entered Teaching and Learning in Higher Education  as a way of improving student engagement, reflection and digital literacies, providing a new, more authentic way to knowledge acquisition. What started in 2010 with a pilot in the School of Education has been rolled out to students in Nursing, Industrial Design, Architectural Technology, Food Technology and Graphic Design at CPUT. In this seminar we presented diverse approaches to and experiences with digital storytelling across the disciplines.

To view the podcast video of the presentation, please click on this link.

Interested in Digital stories for your own practise? Please contact JP Bosman (

** The software that Daniela talked about in the presentation is Photo story for windows 3

Keywords: Daniela Gachago, Veronica Barnes, digital stories, digital storytelling, engagement, reflection, education, industrial design, teaching


Auxin – Prediction data: what does it say?

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Aug 062012

Die voorspelling van studentesukses: watter faktore behoort ons in ag te neem?

Auxin Padkossessie – 31 Julie 2012

Watter faktore speel ’n rol in die sukses wat studente behaal? Hoe meet ons hierdie veranderlikes? En hoe gebruik ons hierdie kennis om die ontwikkeling van studente te ondersteun? Hierdie is vrae wat gevra is tydens ’n sessie, getiteld “Die voorspelling van studentesukses: watter faktore behoort ons in ag te neem?”, wat onlangs aangebied is as deel van die Auxin-projek. Die projek het ten doel om geleenthede vir akademiese personeel van die US te skep om voortdurend hulle onderrigvaardighede deur hulle bloot te stel aan gesprekke met kundiges en ander akademici op kampus.

Tydens die sessie het twee sprekers opgetree – prof Callie Theron (Bedryfsielkunde) en dr Alten du Plessis (Tredhou). Die aanbieders het die kompleksiteit van die verklaring en voorspelling van studentesukses beklemtoon deur verskillende perspektiewe en metodes in te span om die vraag te belig. In die meegaande potgooie (“podcasts”)  kan u beide se aanbiedings sien sowel as van die gesprek wat deur die aanbiedinge gestimuleer is. Lewer gerus kommentaar indien u wil deelneem aan die gesprek!


Prof Callie Theron: Development and empirical evaluation of a comprehensive learning potential structural model (20 minutes, mp4, 32mb)

 Dr Alten du Plessis: Mining wellness and performance data to identify at-risk First-Year engineering students (19 minutes, mp4, 47mb)

Participants and presenters: Podcast of the discussion (17 minutes, mp3, 12mb)

Mar 022012

Auxin Workshop held on 28 February 2012 at CTL

Assessment of Professionalism as Graduate Attribute

Professionalism is no doubt an attribute that you would say you would like your students to leave university with. Do you, however, actually assess professionalism in your students? This can be a tricky business!  At this first “Padkos” session of the Auxin Project for 2012, a brief overview of the challenges posed by the assessment of professionalism, was given. Results of recent research at Stellenbosch about this was shared and there was the opportunity to discuss how one might meet these challenges.


Alma Snyman is an Occupational Therapist working at the Jan Kriel School. She also works as a part time lecturer with the Department of Occupational Therapy at Stellenbosch University and has an interest in the assessment of professionalism of graduates. Alma recently completed her MPhil in Health Sciences Education, for which she undertook research on the assessment of professionalism. She also finds time to serve on the team management for the South African para-cycling team.

The workshop is available as podcasts:

Creative commons licenseAlma Snyman’s workshop presentation  is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Copyright 2012 Centre for Teaching and Learning, Stellenbosch University and Alma Snyman

Keywords: professionalism, assessment, clinical, observation, alma snyman, auxin