Signature Learning Experience at SU

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Dec 052011

An Overview Of Signature Learning With Special Reference To Its Future Adoption At Stellenbosch University

Dr Linda Smith compiled the above-mentioned report in 2011.  This document responds to a brief to make recommendations regarding the nature of a Signature Learning Experience (hereafter abbreviated to “SLE”) to be incorporated within the broad programme of Stellenbosch University (SU), with the additional requirement that this Signature Learning Experience also address the goals of the Hope Project.

For the report and appendices, click on the links below.

Final report 22 September 2011
Appendices A and B

Sep 272011

Video Interview (Afrikaans) with Prof Juanita Bezuidenhout

On 22 September 2011, a Skype interview was recorded with Prof Juanita Bezuidenhout of Stellenbosch University’s Faculty of  Health Sciences, on the faculty’s integrated approach to their first year medical curriculum.

She talks about the re-curriculation of their first year modules and covers the following points:
(a) The reasons for re-curriculation
(b) How their integrated model works
(c) What works in the model and what still needs improvement
(d) Advice to other faculties who might want to do the same (communication is extremely important!)

*** More information on the model: Presentation | Poster

Click on the picture or the link below to download and play the video of the interview, which is in Afrikaans.







Video: Interview Prof Juanita Bezuidenhout (MP4/32 Mb /5 minutes)

Creative commons license

Prof Juanita Bezuidenhout Sept 2011 interview on Health Aciences integrated first year modules by Prof Juanita Bezuidenhout is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Interviewer and author of this post: Dr JP Bosman (

Keywords: health sciences, first-year, integrated teaching, medical education, personal and professional development, Juanita Bezuidenhout