Forest Measurements and Modelling
The site for the FMM Research Group at Stellenbosch University
The Tree and Forest Modelling Group at DFWS hosted an international scientific conference, New Frontiers in Forecasting Forests (NFFF), in September 2018. The meeting brought together 85 experts from 16 countries to present research and discuss advances in models predicting future attributes of forests. It was strongly supported by the International Union of Forestry Research Organisations (IUFRO), particularly Division 4 and Working Party 5.01.04.
The meeting was opened by Prof Eugene Cloete, Vice Rector Research and Innovation, and Prof Danie Brink, the Dean of the Faculty of Agrisciences. It was characterised by an atmosphere of discussion and debate and delegates enjoyed several opportunities to share ideas and build new and existing collaborations. A special issue of papers from the meeting is being prepared in the respected scientific journal Annals of Forest Science.
Delegates for the IUFRO-supported New Frontiers in Forecasting Forests meeting pose for a picture outside the conference venue at STIAS.
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