Feb 062013
With the explosion of technology at a unprecedented rate it is often difficult to find good quality resources to help you come to grips with so many new things “teaching and learning “and especially e-Learning. Luckily there are also a number of very good internet resources that archive and disseminate excellent quality information, resources and networks. A few of them are listed below:
- E-Learning Beehive – (www.elearningbeehive.com/ ): “It is a place where you can get interesting and relevant information on elearning trends and practices, and find out about elearning workshops in the the Melbourne (Australia) area.”
- e-Learning Learning – (http://www.elearninglearning.com/): “Collecting the best information about eLearning”
- Mphil HSE e-Learning module blog – (http://mphilhse.blogspot.com): A Stellenbosch University Mphil programme module homepage that utilises a blog as central teaching and learning technology. The focus is more on health education e-Learning, but there are also quite a few very interesting broader resources and posts on everything e-Learning.
- Merlot – (http://www.merlot.org): Putting Educational Innovations Into Practice .Find peer reviewed online teaching and learning materials. Share advice and expertise about education with expert colleagues. Be recognized for your contributions to quality education.
- Designing and implementing e-Learning – (http://designing.flexiblelearning.net.au/): From the Australian Flexible Learning Frawork – supporting e-Learning opportunities.
Do you have your favorite and very useful e-learning resource websites? Please comment on this post and tell us about them!
Keywords: e-Learning, resources, internet, beehive, elearning learning, mphilhse,merlot
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