Faculty-specific resources
Die moeite werd om te lees oor onderrig
Die artikels in hierdie versameling is gekies omdat hulle interessante en/of nuwe aspekte van onderrig en assessering in onderskeie velde illustreer. Alhoewel sommige artikels oor onderrig in ‘n spesifieke dissipline handel, is hulle ingesluit aangesien hul benadering ook van toepassing op ander terreine kan wees. Voorbeelde van artikels deur akademici van die Universiteit Stellenbosch oor onderrig en assessering op hierdie terreine is ook ingesluit.
Sou u belangstel om enige van hierdie artikels per e-pos te ontvang, kontak gerus vir Irma Bester (irma_bester @ sun.ac.za; tel nr: 021-808-9258). Klik op fakulteit van u keuse hieronder vir ‘n PDF dokument met opsommings van artikels.
Lekker lees!
Papers worth reading about teaching
The papers in this collection have been selected because they illustrate interesting or novel aspects of teaching and assessment in various fields. While some papers are about teaching in a specific discipline, we have included them because we feel the approach used could be used in other fields as well. There are also examples of papers written by academics from Stellenbosch University about teaching and assessment in these fields.
You are welcome to browse through the collection. Please contact Irma Bester (irma_bester @ sun.ac.za; tel nr: 021-808-9258) if you would like to order the full article. Click on a Faculty of your choice below for a PDF document with abstracts of papers and articles.
Happy browsing!
- Fakulteit Lettere en Sosiale Wetenskappe/ Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe/ Faculty of Science
- Fakulteit Opvoedkunde/ Faculty of Education
- Fakulteit Agriwetenskappe/ Faculty of AgriSciences
- Fakulteit Regte/ Faculty of Law
- Fakulteit Teologie/ Faculty of Theology
- Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe/ Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences
- Fakulteit Ingenieurswese/ Faculty of Engineering
- Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe/ Faculty of Health Sciences
- Fakulteit Krygskunde / Military Sciences