Education in the Responsible Conduct of Research
Expanding Responsible Conduct of Research Instruction across the University
- Ruth Ellen Bulger, PhD, AM
- Elizabeth Heitman, PhD
Evaluation of the Research Norms
Evaluation of the Research Norms of Scientists and Administrators Responsible for Academic Research Integrity
- Stanley G, Korenman, MD
- Richard Berk, PHD
- Neil S. Wenger, MD
- Vivian Lew, PHD
Education in the Responsible Conduct of Research
Responding to Challenges in Educating for the Responsible Conduct of Research
- Michael W. Kalichman, PhD
HHS Public Access
Responsible Conduct of Research Education (What, Why, and Does it Work?)
- Michael Kalichman, PhD Director
- Research Ethics Program
- University of California, San Diego
Education in the Responsible Conduct of Research
The History, Purpose, and Future of Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research
- Nicholas H. Steneck, PhD
- Ruth Ellen Bulger, AM, PhD
What Do Mentoring and Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research Have To Do with Scientists’ Misbehavior?
What Do Mentoring and Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research Have To Do with Scientists’ Misbehavior? Findings from a National Survey of NIH-Funded Scientists
- Melissa S. Anderson, PhD
- Aaron S. Horn, MA
- Kelly R. Risbey, MEd
- Emily A. Ronning, MA
- Raymond De Vries, PhD
- Brian C. Martinson, PhD