Coetzee, C.J., Vermeer, P.A., Basson, A.H., 2005, The Modelling of Anchors using the Material Point Method, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 29, 879-895
Coetzee, C.J., Basson, A.H., Vermeer, P.A., 2006, Discrete and Continuum Modelling of Silo Discharge, R&D Journal, A Publication of the South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering, 22(2), 26-38
Coetzee, C.J., Basson, A.H., Vermeer, P.A., 2007, Discrete and Continuum Modelling of Excavator Bucket Filling, Journal of Terramechanics, 44, 177-186
Coetzee, C.J., Els, D.N.J., 2009, Calibration of Discrete Element Parameters and the Modelling of Silo Discharge and Bucket Filling, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 65, 198-212
Coetzee, C.J., Els, D.N.J., 2009, Calibration of Granular Material Parameters for DEM Modelling and Numerical Verification by Blade-Granular Material Interaction, Journal of Terramechanics, 46, 15-26
Coetzee, C.J., Els, D.N.J., 2009, The Numerical Modelling of Excavator Bucket Filling using DEM, Journal of Terramechanics, 46, 217-227
Coetzee, C.J., Els, D.N.J., Dymond, G.F., 2010, Discrete Element Parameter Calibration and the Modelling of Dragline Bucket Filling, Journal of Terramechanics, 47, 33-44
Coetzee, C.J., Lombard, S.G., 2011, Discrete Element Modelling of a Centrifugal Fertiliser Spreader, Biosystems Engineering, 109, 308-325
Els, D.N.J., 2011, Damping of Rotating Beams With Particle Dampers: Experimental Analysis, AIAA Journal, 49(10), 2228–2238
Coetzee, C.J., Lombard, S.G., 2013, The destemming of grapes: Experiments and Discrete Element Modelling, Biosystems Engineering, 114, 232 – 248
Coetzee, C.J., Nel, R.G., 2014, Calibration of discrete element properties and the modelling of packed rock beds, Powder Technology, 264, 332-342
Coetzee, C.J., 2014, Discrete and continuum modelling of soil cutting, Computational Particle Mechanics Journal, 1(4), 409-423
Coetzee, C.J., Horn, E., 2014, Calibration of the Discrete Element Method Using a Large Shear Box, International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, 8(12), 2071-2080
Van Wyk, G., Els,D.N.J., Akdogan, G., Bradshaw, S.M. and Sacks, N., 2014, Discrete element simulation of tribological interactions in rock cutting, International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 65, 8–19
Coetzee, C.J., Dobson, R.T., 2016, A Simple Numerical Model for the Prediction of Apple Temperatures under Evaporative Cooling, Research in Agriculture and Agronomy, 2016 (2016), 1- 14, Article ID 884279, DOI: 10.5171/2016.884279
Fadiji, T., Coetzee, C.J., Pathare, P., Opara, U.L., 2016, Susceptibility to Impact Damage of Apples inside Ventilated Corrugated Paperboard Packages: Effects of Package Design, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 111, 286-296
Fadiji, T., Coetzee, C.J., Chen, L., Chuckwu, O., Opara, U.L., 2016, Susceptibility of apples to bruising inside ventilated corrugated paperboard packages during simulated transport damage, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 118, 111-119
Coetzee, C.J., 2016, Calibration of the Discrete Element Method and the Effect of Particle Shape, Powder Technology, 297, 50-70
Fadiji, T., Coetzee, C., Opara, U.L., 2016, Compression strength of ventilated corrugated paperboard packages: Numerical modelling, experimental validation and effects of vent geometric design, Biosystems Engineering, 151, 231-247
Coetzee, C.J., 2017, Review: Calibration of the discrete element method, Powder Technology, 310, 104-142
Fadiji, T., Berry, T.M., Coetzee, C.J., Opara, U.L., 2017, Investigating the mechanical properties of paperboard packaging material for handling fresh produce under different environmental conditions: Experimental analysis and finite element modelling, The Journal of Applied Packaging Research, 9(2), 20-34
Berry, T., Opara, U.L., Defraeye, T., Coetzee, C., Tsige, A., 2017, Refining fresh produce packaging design to optimise refrigerated container usage and improve cooling efficiency, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, submitted
Berry, T., Defraeye, T., Tsige, A., Coetzee, C., Opara, U.L., 2017, Factors Affecting Design and Performance of Ventilated Cartons in the Fresh Produce Cold Chain – A Review, Agricultural Systems, submitted
International Symposia
Els, D.N.J., Coetzee, C.J., 1999, Friction Forces in a Vertically Pushed Granular Column, International Symposium on Reliable Flow of Particulate Solids III, Porsgrunn, Norway
Crouse, P.G. and Els, D.N.J., 2000, A rigidMultibody dynamical description of a rope and pully problem, In: Proceedings of SACAM 2000, Durban, South Africa
Coetzee, C.J., Els, D.N.J., 2002, Modelling Excavator Bucket Filling with DEM, Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), July 7-12, Vienna, Austria, Editors: Mang, H.A., Rammerstorfer, F.G., Eberhardsteiner, J., Publisher: Vienna University of Technology, Austria, ISBN 3‑9501554-0-6,
Beuth, L., Vermeer, P., Coetzee, C.J., Bonnier, P., van den Berg, P., 2007, Formulations and Validation of a Quasi-Static Material-Point, International Symposium on Numerical Models in Geomechanics, Rhodes, Greece, 25-27 April
Beuth, L., Benz, T., Vermeer, P., Wieckowski, Z., Coetzee, C.J., 2007, Large deformation analyses using the Material-Point Method, 17th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, CMM 2007, June 19 – 22, Lodz-Spala, Poland
Coetzee, C.J., 2009, The Modelling of Bulk Materials Handling using the Discrete Element Method, 1st African Conference on Computational Mechanics – An International Conference, AfriComp, January 7-11, Sun City, South Africa
Beuth, L., Więckowski, Z., Vermeer, P.A., Coetzee, C.J., 2009, The Modelling of Large Deformation Geotechnics using the Material Point Method, 1st African Conference on Computational Mechanics – An International Conference, AfriComp, January 7 – 11, Sun City, South Africa
Jassim, I., Coetzee, C.J., 2009, A Contact Algorithm for Non-Structured MPM Meshes, 18th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, CMM 2009, 18-21 May, Zielona Gora, Poland
Fadiji, T.S., Pathare, P.B., Opara, U.L., Coetzee, C.J., Chukwu, O., 2012, Resistance of Apples to Mechanical Damage inside a Ventilated Corrugated Paperboard (VCP) Package, 2nd International Conference on Post Harvest Technology & Quality Management, Post Harvest Africa, 25-29 November, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Nel, G., Louw, A.D.R., Coetzee, C.J., 2012, A DEM-CFD approach to predict the pressure drop through an air-rockbed thermal storage system: Part 1, First Southern African Solar Energy Conference, SASEC, 21-23 May, Protea Hotel Technopark, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Jassim, I., Coetzee, C.J., Vermeer, P., 2013, A Dynamic Material Point Method for Geomechanics, International conference: Installation effects in Geotechnical Engineering, GEO-INSTALL, Rotterdam, 24-27 March, ISBN: 978-1-138-00041-4
Coetzee, C.J., 2013, Calibration of Material Properties for Discrete Element Modelling, 3rd African Conference on Computational Mechanics – An International Conference, AfriComp, July 30-August 2, Livingstone, Zambia
Els, D.N.J., 8–12 Jul 2013, Damping of rotating beams with particle dampers: Discrete element method analysis. In: Powders andGrains 2013: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, Sydney, Austalia
Fadiji, T., Coetzee, C.J., Pathare, P., Opara, U.L., 2013, Impact Damage of Apples inside Ventilated Cartons, Post-harvest Innovation Programme Symposium, 19-20 November, Spier Estate, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Coetzee, C.J., Horn, E., 2014, Calibration of the Discrete Element Method using a Large Shear Box, International Conference on Materials, Structures and Mechanical Engineering, ICMSME, 30-31 December, Paris, France
Van Wyk, G., Bradshaw, S.M., Els,D.N.J. and Akdogan, G., 23–27 May 2015, Discrete element simulation of rock cutting. In: Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry – Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium, APCOM 2015, Fairbanks, USA
Berry, T., Fadiji, T.S., Defraeye, T., Coetzee, C., Opara, U.L., 2016., A multi-parameter approach to vent hole design for cartons packed with internal packaging, VIII International Postharvest Symposium, 21-24 June 2016, Cartagena, Spain
Fadiji, T., Berry, T. Ambaw, A., Coetzee, C., Opara, L., 2017, Finite element analysis (FEA) – an effective and efficient design tool in food packaging industries: a review, VII International Conference on Managing Quality in Chains (MQUIC2017), 4-7 September 2017, Stellenbosch, South Africa (full paper review)
Fadiji, T., Berry, T., Ambaw, A., Coetzee, C., Opara, L., 2017, Finite element modelling of the structural performance of ventilated paperboard packaging, VII International Conference on Managing Quality in Chains (MQUIC2017), 4-7 September 2017, Stellenbosch, South Africa (full paper review)
Berry, T., Defraeye, T., Tsige, A., Coetzee, C., Opara, L., 2017, Horticultural Packaging Systems of the Future: Improving Reefer Container Usage, VII International Conference on Managing Quality in Chains (MQUIC2017), 4-7 September 2017, Stellenbosch, South Africa (full paper review?)
National Symposia
Vogler, U., Coetzee, C.J., Vermeer, P.A., 2003, Simulation of Field Model Tests by two different Numerical Approaches. DGGK, AK 1.6 “Numerik in der Geotechnik”: Workshop: Nachweise für Böschungen und Baugruben mit numerischen Methoden, S. 37-46, Weimar, Germany
Coetzee, C.J., 2008, Calibration of Discrete Element Parameters and the Modelling of Bulk Materials Handling, Conveyors and Bulk Materials Conference, 6-7 August, Midrand, South Africa
Els,D.N.J., 2012, Modeling of Bulk Materials Handling, Containers and Materials handling Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, 21–23 Aug 2012
Coetzee, C.J., 2016, Calibration of the Discrete Element Method and the Effect of Particle Shape, 10th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics, SACAM, 3-5 October 2016, Potchefstroom, South Africa
Coetzee, C.J., 2017, Calibration of DEM parameters: Including applications, Engineering Simulation Conference, Qfinsoft, Lord Charles, Somerset West, 29 August 2017
Popular Articles
Coetzee, Corné, Hoe dors is jou dakrak?, WegRy 2012
List of Selected Theses & Dissertations
Coetzee, C.J., 2004, The modelling of granular flow using the particle-in-cell method, PhD thesis, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Promotor: Prof A.H. Basson & Prof P.A. Vermeer.
Els, D.N.J., 2009, The Effectiveness of Particle Dampers under Centrifugal Loads, PhD thesis, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Promotor: Prof J.L. van Niekerk.
Nel, R.G., 2013, Discrete Element Modelling of packed rock beds for thermal storage applications, MSc (Mech) thesis, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Study Leader: Dr C.J. Coetzee.
Wilke, C.D., 2013, Experimental measurement of graphite wear in helium at elevated temperatures and the discrete element modelling of graphite dust production inside the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor, MSc (Mech) thesis, StellenboschUniversity, South Africa. Study Leader: Dr C.J. Coetzee & Mr R. Dobson.
Horn, E., 2012, The Calibration of Material Properties for use in Discrete Element Models, MSc (Mech) thesis, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Study Leader: Dr C.J. Coetzee.
Van Wyk, G., 2012, Simulation of Tribological Interactions in Bonded Particle-Solid contacts using DEM and PFC3D with special attention to rock drilling, MSc (Chem) thesis, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Study Leader: Dr D.N.J. Els & Prof G. Akdogan.
Lombard, S.G., 2011, Experimental and Numerical Investigation into the Destemming of Grapes, MSc (Mech) thesis, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Study leader: Dr C.J. Coetzee.
Vander Linde, J., 2007, Discrete Element Modeling of aVibratory Subsoiler, MSc(Mech) thesis, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 2007. Study leader: Mr D.N.J. Els.
Dymond, G.F.D., 2007, Creation, Optimization and Verification of a Three Dimensional Numerical Model to Simulate a Dragline Bucket During the Digging Cycle Using Modern DEM Software, MSc (Mech) thesis, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Study leader: Mr D.N.J. Els & Dr C.J. Coetzee.
Coetzee, C.J., 2000, Forced Granular Flow, MSc (Mech) thesis, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Study leader: Mr D.N.J. Els.
Crouse, P.G., 2000, Modelling of Dragline Dynamics, MSc (Mech) thesis, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Study leader: Mr D.N.J. Els.