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Laai die Inetkey mobile toepassing af

Met die groeiende hoeveelheid mobiele applikasies wat daagliks gebruik word, het die behoefte ontstaan om `n eenvoudige, effektiewe Inetkey-toepassing te skep wat bruikbaar is op alle toestelle en platforms. – insluitend Android, iOS, Blackberry en Windows.

IT se mobiele Inetkey-toepassing is ontwikkel en is beskikbaar vir die verskeie platforms. Laai die gepaste weergawes af deur op die ikone te kliek.  


Daar bestaan reeds nie-amptelike Inetkey mobiele toepassings wat deur privaatpersone ontwikkel is, maar geensins deur Informasietegnologie onderskraag word nie. Nie-amptelike Inetkey toepassings dra die risiko dat dit gebruikers se inligting kan onderskep, wat op die beurt kan misbruik of gesteel word. Gebruikers sleutel besonderhede in op `n toepassing terwyl hulle nie weet hoe of waar dit gestoor word, hoe dit gekommunikeer word of selfs of dit sekuur is nie. 

Ons kan dus geen verantwoordelikheid aanvaar indien gebruikers die toepassings gebruik en probleme ondervind nie. 


8 Responses to “Laai die Inetkey mobile toepassing af”

  1. Marc-Allen says:

    Hi Ethan and A Gildenhuys

    Thanks for the feedback. What devices are you using? Android, Apple, BB or Windows Phone?

    I’ve seen this problem in action – but unfortunately it is very sporadic – we are engaging with the developers to find the problem. Hang in there!

  2. A Gildenhuys says:

    Updated Inetkey faulty once again! It either inform you that your password/login is incorrect or that password was changed from a remote computer. What a pity! When will it be functional again??

  3. Ethan says:

    The aplication works, until you try to log in again after the first few times you used it. Then the application says it will block your user after 6 failed log in attempts, and i checked, my user is just fine with computers. Please get that sorted out.

  4. Marc-Allen says:

    Hi Gareth,

    We experienced some unexpected problems with our services last week – could you confirm that you still have this problem with your Inetkey?

  5. Marc-Allen says:

    Hi Ryan,

    We finally got word from the Apple App Store that the latest version is available. You should now be able to update your app to version 1.0.1.

    Please let us know if there are any further problems!

  6. Gareth says:


    I’ve recently got the InetKey app for Windows phone, doesnt work though…

    “Network Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 404().”

    Help would be much appreciated :)

  7. Marc-Allen says:

    Hi Ryan,

    We are aware of the problem. The fix is already in and submitted to the iOS App Store for review. Unfortunately, it takes a few days for Apple to review the updated version. Will report back here when Apple releases it!

    Unfortunately, we don’t have landscape mode on the tablet devices. This request has been prioritised for a next release.

  8. Ryan says:

    I see that the inetkey app for ios has launched on the app store, but it doesnt work! Also please is there a way to enable landscape mode for ipads


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