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IT HUB: only by appointment

All services offered by the IT HUB in the Admin A building – collection of equipment and any type of technical support – are available by prior arrangement only.

If staff need technical support, they need to log a request on the ICT Partner Portal after which they will be contacted by a technician for further arrangements.

Students should make appointments by logging a call at the online service desk in advance. Appointments and rrequests can no longer be logged at the entrance to the IT HUB.

You can also call the IT HUB at 021 8089289, but preferably log a request on the ICT Partner Portal. This can be done as follows:

  1. Log an issue report on the ICT Partner Portal at
  2. Sign on with your SU username and password.
  3. Select the “ICT Partner Portal” service desk.
  4. Students select the IT HUB option. Staff select the  option depending on the type of issue.
  5.  Fill in the necessary information – if there is an asset number, please include it.
  6.  Add any additional information in the description field.
  7.  Copy any related images, files and emails to the attachment area.
  8.  A staff member will make contact once the report has been logged and schedule an appointment.

Students and staff members who have lost their student/staff cards are the only unscheduled visitors allowed at the IT HUB, and only between 08:30 and 16:00 daily.


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