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Post COVID challenges: On the ground experiences

Thursday, December 15th, 2022

When COVID-19 struck, the various teams working on the ground to ensure that Stellenbosch University (SU) runs seamlessly on all technological fronts suddenly faced enormous challenges.

Almost overnight, the technological needs in all sectors of the university – from System Administration to IT services, Student Support, and End User Support – had to shift to accommodate remote working.

Post-COVID, all these divisions have had to adapt to a new normal of hybrid working, teaching and learning. And, in true SU style, despite the unprecedented rollercoaster ride, all these teams have risen to the occasion – and are optimistic about the campus’s technological future.

Mario Randelhoff, Manager of System Administration, described the past two years as “one of the most challenging times of my life”. He and his 10-strong team of system and database administrators run all the critical computing systems which the university uses relating to emails, the human resources system, and the learning management system, etc.

“It’s our task to manage the configurations to ensure emails are sent securely from users on campus to external users. In terms of managing the learning management system, which is all on-premises in our data centre, we look after the machines, do installations, and manage security updates. We ensure the overall learning management system platform is always up to date and available. Managing the Human Resources system means we have to ensure all the technology for leave requests, salary payments, performance assessments, pension information etc., is up and running,” he said.

Mario’s department faced numerous challenges during COVID, many of which remain. “One thing was non-negotiable – the business of the university had to go on during lockdown,” Mario said. “From being spoilt with everybody being onsite in the university’s buildings and knowing where all the problems and hotspots were, everybody became separate “companies” that had to be serviced.

“When everybody started working remotely, we had to move fast to set up the technology to allow users to access the systems from where they were. We had to cater for very large numbers of users trying to access the systems and ensure they did this securely when accessing our more sensitive systems. This could not be done via the open internet without security. 

“Gearing our learning management system for 100 percent remote work was a massive task. We had to obtain more servers as well as build capacity to ensure the system worked fast and efficiently. We didn’t want students to click on a page and then wait ten minutes to log in. 

“The fact that everybody was working remotely brought many issues to the fore – we had to put cybersecurity measures in place to ensure people didn’t click on phishing emails and to protect them from viruses.

“We also had to roll out laptopsBecause of the culture of the university, many people working from their offices or the computer labs on campus didn’t necessarily have devices they could use from home. 

“It was stressful all over, getting to the new normal of working remotely while ensuring users had the same experience they would have had if they were working in the office. One of our biggest challenges as an operations team was that we couldn’t meet face-to-face. We had to adapt to online meetings. Then loadshedding would interrupt meetings, so we had to roll out UPS to team members so they could at least have a sustainable internet connection while working remotely.” 

Mario continued: “With COVID, lockdown, and loadshedding, it was a very stressful time. I had to coordinate everything from the systems side, and I also had to motivate my team to implement the changes in a short time.”

Mario, a father of two, said he never lost sight of the numerous personal struggles and work pressure he, his staff and all the university members were facing. What got him through, he said, is the fact that he does not get stressed out. “When others are stressing, that’s when I perform at my best.”

A challenge his department faces now is that having gotten through COVID, remote work has become “a hindrance”. “It is hard to keep a group dynamic going if everybody is working remotely. We do at least go in to work on Mondays for a face-to-face meeting. We also need to rebuild the interactions with the other technological teams.”

Another challenge, he said, is that the division currently has five vacancies, “but, in the post-COVID era, people have got used to working remotely and are not actually going for jobs where they need to be on site. This is a new problem that we are really experiencing firsthand.

Asked what new tech and other innovations are in the pipeline in his division, Mario said: “Technology has evolved so much we have to start onboarding more cloud services. We will start looking at migrating certain systems, such as our learning management system, to a cloud provider so we can scale it to many more people.

“From a team perspective, we have to work hard to change the mindset from traditional system administrators to thinking about being cloud architects and looking at deployment architecture and how to componentise the systems we look after. That’s where the mind shift needs to happen.” 

Allister Lesar, Head of ICT Student services, and his team are tasked with assisting students in all their ICT requirements to study, research, learn and achieve their goals at the university.

During COVID, he and his team of seven people had to quickly evolve and assist with quickly helping students and staff become capable of accomplishing their tasks remotely and enable remote learning from anywhere. They also had to roll out laptops to 2500 students overnight.


“We worked round the clock to ensure they received their laptops. Then we had to assist the students remotely with repairs and ensure the repaired laptops were couriered to them so their studies were not interrupted. We sent laptops to students in cities as well as in remote areas in Northern Cape and Limpopo.

“We also had to roll out WIFI hotspots as far as we could across the campus so that those students who were unable to go home could study safely on campus, in venues with limited numbers of people at a certain time. We shifted from a walk-in service for IT queries and repairs to an appointment basis only and we had to enable our remote workforce – who were accustomed to walk-in, face-to-face service – to assist students remotely.”

Allister said that, in the post-COVID era, students want to maintain the services of loaned laptops and remote working. “They’ve got used to studying in their rooms or at home, in uncrowded areas and are still asking for these resources. For instance, some students feel unsafe walking to the computer labs at night. While it is not financially viable to maintain this, we are trying to leverage programmes to assist them in that regard.”

Asked what’s in the technological pipeline in his division, Allister said they are looking at mobile device management solutions to enable remote services for students. We intend to secure all our endpoints so staff and students can use any device to study. For this to happen, we need to be able to pick up issues before they’ve even happened.” 

The COVID and post-COVID period have been tough, Allister said. “I worked till three in the morning and got up at seven to ensure the students got the help they needed. As a team, we galvanised each other by putting ourselves in the students’ shoes and imagining their strain. We drew on whatever energy we had. That’s what got us through. We focused on how to best help them through the situation.”

Ronel Reynecke, Head: End User Support and her 15-strong team, of whom some are based at the IT student centre and the rest at the main IT building, oversee the technical support for staff on campus.

“During COVID, the division had to instantaneously change from supporting users onsite to supporting users remotely to the best of our ability. That brought challenges on its own, as more remote support meant more licenses on the software we used to help our users, which of course, had a cost implication for IT. But, on the bright side, our users quickly became familiar with this software and we sometimes had to smile when, without even asking for the user ID, the users would start giving the ID almost before we could say good morning.

“Teams and Zoom (to a lesser extent) quickly became the default meeting platform, and specialised equipment followed in the lecture halls. It involved a great deal more work for the team and they had to do a lot of ‘hand holding’ to some staff to manage webinars and online meetings and to lecturers to implement the hybrid mode of teaching.

“Many things shifted for us. In terms of the devices we service, previously, there was a good divide between desktops and laptops, but during COVID, it immediately changed to laptops. We had large orders coming through for laptops, leading to insufficient storage space for all the devices while configuring the devices. 

“Then there was also the global semi-conductor shortage which led to a shortage of chips to make for example, laptop screens. COVID didn’t help and, while our delivery is normally two to three weeks, in some cases, it took almost a year, to get laptops.”

Further challenges included that “technicians who were accustomed to providing end-user support had to become Jacks of all trades. They also had to assist users with their home setups, and deal with internet connectivity issues, third-party software and printing issues at home. We had to connect everyone who had never worked from home or used VPN (virtual private networks) to access secure systems; and we had to migrate users who were still working on old VPN clients. We also had to explain to users that Anti-Virus updates had to run before VPN could connect and that it is enabled for MFA (multifactor authentication) which all contributed to better network security.”

Ronel said her team experienced a real “generational divide”, with the younger generation being better equipped for the technological changes than the older generation.

“Then there was also a digital divide, where some students did not have the funds to purchase laptops and data for connectivity. She said her team experienced first hand the fall-out of having to learn and teach new technologies. They had work to complete with deadlines and the new technology was strange and frustrating for them. So, apart from doing the normal IT tasks, they also calm the users down! We were almost like psychologists because people got so upset.   

“In the end, this took a huge toll on my staff, as some of them were even verbally abused by staff as they wanted to be helped instantaneously, never thinking that we might have had a rollover of calls.”

Ronel said several changes have already taken place in her department, and some are still to come. “The developments in the pipeline to improve customer experience include implementing Microsoft Intune (Microsoft cloud-based unified endpoint management service) to help manage the software of onsite and offsite devices; the hybrid joining of devices to Azure Active Directory to enable use of the full functionality of the Microsoft stack; and, the possible use of Windows as a service – a method of testing and releasing Windows features faster – to simply the work of IT support staff.”

When asked to look back on the challenges of COVID, and what was achieved, Ronel said: “COVID brought so many hardships and such heartache, but it pushed the boundaries in terms of our digital strategy. Tech experts predicted it could take up to seven years to get to where we are now and that all happened in the past two years. We had to push the boundaries and get into an entirely new digital era. 

“My team and I learnt so much. In fact, I feel so empowered, having learnt so much and I know that we can do even more when we work together as a team. We should learn from our experience and embrace the change.”

Petro Uys, Head: IT Service Desk, and her team of six people are tasked with first-level troubleshooting with all IT-related queries.

“We receive a very high volume of calls – especially since COVID meant that many people are working from home. This development added numerous requirements among users. 

“A key part of our work is to pick up trends, for instance, if people start calling in and say they can’t access SUNlearn – our learning management system – my team must immediately inform me so that we can deal with the issue. We immediately inform the second and third levels of the trends. It is vital for us to pick up trends and escalate them to get to the root cause.“Before COVID, when everyone was on campus it was easy to, for instance, change your password. Now that users are based at home, they cannot change their password and connect without issues. They must take additional steps for their new password to be recognised on their laptop. It was a huge challenge just to get people connected from home.”

Petro said the technological needs dealt with by her team had shifted substantially during COVID. “Our first challenge was to set up our team to be able to work from home. Some only had ADSL and limited connectivity from home. 

“On the customer side, they were frantic – they didn’t know how to connect from home; for instance, a VPN is needed for specific purposes, such as working with the financial or HR system. We spent a lot of time just calming the users down and telling them it was not that bad!

“Other challenges were to get our information out to users in good time. From an IT side, it takes time to get the right information to the people because you need to test it and ensure it’s the correct information. For example, people have different cell phones. We introduced multifactor authentication just to verify our staff members, but it was challenging because people struggled to verify themselves.

“So, testing and verifying information and getting it to our people was vital. We had to ensure our service catalogue was up to date every day.”

Petro added that the IT Service Desk has been receiving numerous security-related service requests. “This includes SPAM and spoofing emails. Users must be empowered with information from IT to be able to deal with these in the correct way. They must not open these emails and click on the links in the emails, or provide their credentials, as this can result in their accounts being compromised.

“The IT Service Desk acts as a gatekeeper and must have sufficient knowledge to protect users from doing the wrong thing, especially if they don’t know what to do.”

Asked what’s in the pipeline in terms of new directions and new technologies, Petro said a key task among her staff members is “to get them to really understand what the university is about, and to motivate them to strive to work towards the university’s vision and mission, so we all work towards the same goal”. 

“In terms of technology, I am pushing to start using chatbots and AI to enable self-service for users with queries. I also hope to implement extended service hours in our division. Currently, we work from 8 am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday. That’s not good enough in the modern world. We must look at our service hours, especially with all the loadshedding.”

Asked how she dealt with the challenges, Petro said: “I’m an in-the-moment person. I make the best of every moment and don’t overthink things. That really got me through the pandemic. I knew that I had to just carry on and to motivate the people we were dealing with. I just made sure I was present for my team and for those I served.”



2018 in review

Thursday, December 6th, 2018

What an exciting year we’ve had! As I’m writing this, we’ve just entered another hour or two of load-shedding, and I’m thankful for a reliable laptop on battery power.

In the centennial year of the University, a number of bold decisions were finalised to launch some of the largest renewal projects in the last two decades.

The successor systems for two core administrative applications, Student and Financial Management, were evaluated, selected and approved by the Rectorate by the end of November. Both  applications, to be implemented over the next two years, are modern and innovative in important aspects:

  • The systems will be implemented in the cloud and developed and maintained by leading international vendors. This is a major change for the university, having developed and maintained the legacy applications in-house for more than 25 years.
  • The platforms serving these applications will be located in the cloud, and not on campus like before. This will have a major impact on the nature of our work and will enable us to utilise resources in new ways to improve our services to the university.

As far as we’re aware, no other university in South Africa has migrated these applications to a cloud based platform yet.

The IT Division has been hard at work to improve the quality and sustainability of our services. In August, we submitted the two-year Quality Improvement Report to the institutional Quality Committee, which was accepted with acclaim. The report mentioned important improvement milestones, like the establishment of a new governance body for information and technology management, the Technology and Information Committee, as well as many organisational, infrastructure and service improvements.

Another major achievement for the year is the development and implementation of the ICT Partner Portal, a system to streamline and manage all work streams for ourselves and our partners, colleagues and clients. Since implementation in September, about 80% of the service processes in the IT Division has been defined and configured in the system, and more than 17000 incidents and requests were processed in three months. The system is designed to provide transparency to the workflow and completion of tasks to all process stakeholders – users or clients, service staff and management.

The year will also be remembered for the steep increase in cyber-attacks, especially phishing attempts. A dedicated cybersecurity function was established to deal with the rising threats, and to our dismay, we noticed a significant percentage of manpower being absorbed by this phenomenon.

We are also sad to see a number of colleagues leaving our team, some retiring and others to greener pastures. We wish all of them well, especially Callie van der Merwe and Thys de Wet, who spent their entire career at Stellenbosch University.

Lastly, a word of appreciation to prof Stan du Plessis, our new Chief Operating Officer, for the first full year of his leadership and support. We are inspired and eager to enter 2019 with renewed energy, after a short period of rest.

Best wishes for the festive season!

Attie Juyn

IT Review: 2017

Thursday, December 7th, 2017

At the end of another busy year, it is time to reflect on some of the major IT events, trends and achievements.

It is alarming to report that cybersecurity threats and attacks increased to record levels during the past year. Stellenbosch University, like most institutions around the world, is increasingly being targeted by criminal elements, and these attacks are consuming an increasing amount of our resources, that could have been applied to more constructive projects. Is this a mere reflection of society?

On the positive side, the IT Division has made steady progress with major renewal strategies, like the Systems Renewal Programme, the Campus Infrastructure Upgrade program, and implementation of various other new services. Many of the improvements were made possible by innovative reallocation of resources, and improving our functional capabilities in a variety of ways.

Many of our users have expressed concern about the availability of wifi across our campuses. It remains one of our key investments and will continue at a steady pace, with more academic and administrative buildings, and especially student residences, being connected and equipped with wifi. Unfortunately, this is a tedious process, since wifi infrastructure often depends on the renovation of the building infrastructure itself.

As we move into the digital era, it is important to notice and utilise technological opportunities to increase cost-effective service improvements. Two major examples are cloud computing (including SaaS – Software as a Service application platforms), and the boom in personal computing devices and social media. These trends provide opportunities for the innovative restructuring of IT services, and better utilisation of resources. For example, the successful migration of many of our Microsoft applications (Outlook, Exchange, Office) to O365 on the Microsoft Azure platform, is already realising a range of benefits.

We are delighted to report that Stellenbosch University reported the highest internet speeds of all universities in SA for at least two months during 2017. Internet connectivity is a key enabler for most applications and communication, and speed and reliability remain key performance factors. We are also glad to report increasing bandwidth availability in our national and international connections. The Higher Education sector now has redundant (dual connections) to Europe via the Seacom and WACS cables, between 40 and 100 gigabits per second!

Lastly, I must congratulate the IT staff on all the achievements of the past year. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.

We wish all our clients and users a happy and relaxing festive holiday period, and we look forward to a new year of opportunities and challenges.

Attie Juyn
Senior Director: Information Technology


One-on-one consultation service available for staff

Thursday, October 26th, 2017

The IT Hub, centrally located in the heart of campus, under the bridge connecting Admin A and Admin B, now offers a one-on-one consultation room for staff with a professional technician.

The IT User Consultation room, room 1021, situated inside The IT Hub is private and allows you the time to ask the technician questions while you are being assisted.

The scheduled time slot is 8:00am – 16:30pm, Mondays to Fridays.

When a technician calls you after you have logged a call, you are then welcome to request a meeting in the consultation room. Every call is important to us, however, calls will be prioritized accordingly.

We hope you find this service beneficial.


PHONE: 021 808 9289

Who is ISS?

Friday, June 24th, 2016

At the end of the month your salary is safely in your bank account. We consider this a given and hardly think about it. But who ensures it happens, without fail, every month?

Information is crucial and strategic for a knowledge-intensive and knowledge-producing enterprise, such as a university, to thrive. Institutional software solutions[1] form the basis of all institutional information systems and process most institutional information. Examples at SU include the Human Resources, Financial, Research Administration, and Student Information Systems.

Information Technology’s newly reorganised division, Institutional Software Solutions (ISS), led by Ralph Pina, is responsible for building, providing, maintaining and supporting reliable, innovative and sustainable institutional software solutions that meet the University’s needs timeously and over the long term. It comprises some 36 software developers, business analysts, and managers, all accommodated on an open floor in the new ICT Building.

Without these systems, you won’t be able to receive your salary or request leave. No financial transactions would be possible. Students would not be able to access examination results or register at the beginning of the year. Administration of student records would have to be done by hand. 

These are just a few of the software solutions ISS is responsible for. In order to fulfill its crucial function, the ISS division has to: 

  • manage relationships with solution and system owners (clients), external and internal IT partners, stakeholders, communities and vendors;
  • perform business analysis to understand and help refine institutional processes, and determine requirements;
  • develop software, which includes designing and coding solutions with the long-term in mind, and establishing and maintaining the necessary software development environment, skills, and knowledge;
  • maintain software over the long term;
  • integrate  (connect) software applications and systems in order to orchestrate institutional processes, enable integrated reporting and integrated views of institutional information;
  • source software solutions by helping clients and partners to select solutions, and by brokering solutions i.e. facilitating the procurement of solutions;
  • support software solutions by monitoring operations, configuring systems, managing incidents, and problems, and helping clients and partners to train users;
  • architect data, software solutions and integrations in collaboration with the IT Architecture Function.
  • manage software solution development and implementation projects.

[1] University-owned or managed software applications (or solutions) that have a broad application across the institution, as opposed to specialised value for a single or few organisational entities within the university. The definition includes software such as web content management systems and mobile apps, amongst others. For example, a laboratory information system that has specialised value for only a single academic department or a single faculty would likely not be classed as an institutional software solution.


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