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Good news for MATLAB fans

Monday, April 24th, 2017

MATLAB and Simulink are fundamental computational tools used at educational institutions worldwide. More than 500 universities have instituted a Total Academic Headcount (TAH) site license, including one-third of the top 300 universities worldwide and 23 of the top 25 universities.

Today, MATLAB and Simulink are an integral part of the curriculum at the SUN. The tools are used for teaching and research across several academic disciplines such as Geography, Agriculture, Economics, Biology, Informatics, Psychology, Math, Statistics and Physics, in addition to the engineering disciplines. The university provides lab room access via 8 different classroom licenses servers to be used by students on university owned machines. Researcher access is provided by a number of installs: 6 network servers provide 35 concurrent users, 8 group licenses with 79 users and 35 individual licenses.

Students who use MATLAB and Simulink establish a foundation for learning that serves them through their university years and prepares them for careers in engineering but also in areas such as biology, science, finance, and math. Faculty employ MATLAB and Simulink to engage students in coursework and research by providing a flexible environment for teaching, applying algorithms and models, and exploring data. Students can apply theory to real-world problems within a broad range of student- oriented research much in line with the big trends towards active learning i.e. PBL and CDIO.

Stellenbosch University has a Total Academic Headcount (TAH) license for MATLAB, Simulink, and add-on products. Faculty, researchers, and students may use these products for teaching, research, and learning. The license allows individuals to install the products on university-owned equipment, as well as personally owned computers.

To obtain an individual license for laptops and home PC’s:

Option 1 – On campus download – Click here for instructions.
Option 2 – Off campus download from Mathworks Website. Click here for instructions.

Learn About Capabilities and Using the Software

Use the TAH Resource Kit to find tutorials, webinars, teaching materials, books, and more to help you use MATLAB and Simulink. When you access these resources from the resource kit, you bypass registration forms.

Note that your MathWorks account gives you access to FREE online training with theMATLAB Onramp, as well as access to online assignments through Cody Coursework.

Empower Yourself With MathWorks tools

Visit the MathWorks for Education website at
Visit the MathWorks Academy site for FREE online course at


Connect to MATLAB from your iPhone, iPad, or Android

Need Assistance?

[Information supplied by Kirsten Smith, Application Engineering Manager at MATLAB]

Office365 phishing e-mail

Friday, March 3rd, 2017

Please take note of a phishing e-mail circulating on campus which looks like an Office365 e-mail notification. Unfortunately, a few students have been caught out by this trap. 

We will not send you an e-mail resembling the one below. If in doubt, rather contact us to confirm whether it’s a legitimate request.


From: SU Student <>
   Sent: 03 March 2017 12:07 PM
   Subject: Missing Mails

   You have two(2) unread messages but cannot because your mailbox has
   exceeds its quota/limit.
   Click here to use the message retriever page and enter login again to
   access missing message.


   Office 365

   System Administrator

Free sites for students and staff

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

The following sites are open to students and staff. This means that you won’t need inetkey to access them and your account won’t be billed. Most of these are for academic purposes. In addition to this, you can also request free access to other sites you need for academic and research purposes. Therefore, if you need to access a site regularly for work, let us know by sending an email to



First ransomware targeting Apple Mac users

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

Ransomware, one of the fastest-growing cyber threats, encrypts data on infected machines, then asks users to pay ransoms in hard-to-trace digital currencies to get an electronic key so they can retrieve their data (more previous ramsomware articles on our blog).

The “KeRanger” ransomware, which appeared last week, was the first functioning ransomware attacking Apple’s Mac computers.

Read more on the new Mac ransomware.

If you have any enquiries or need assistance, please contact us at

E-textbook pilot project

Wednesday, February 17th, 2016


The e-textbook pilot is a collaboration between Information Technology and the Faculty of Law which will offer e-textbooks as an option for first year students in one or more of their modules and extended to the postgraduate programme in Public and Development Management at SPL. The introduction of e-textbooks will allows us to explore the strength and weaknesses of the e-reader technology and to determine the usefulness of the technology in the classroom.

Students require flexible mechanisms to have access to their academic resources, access to learning managements system, library resources and any academic or information resources is a requirement for on or off campus. The goals of the e-textbook pilot with the Law Faculty and School of Public Leadership (SPL) are:

· Explore the current strengths and weaknesses of the e-reader technology
· To determine the usefulness of this technology in the classroom
· Reduce the high cost of traditional textbooks and increase the attractiveness of e-textbooks
· Evaluate the availability of the e-textbook resource on more than one device
· Increase the usage of the required e-textbooks through institutional purchase.

The drivers for the pilot of e-textbooks include the electronic delivery of course material as a possible replacement of traditional printed textbooks, the adoption of e-reader technology as part of the curriculum renewal and meeting the technology expectations of the knowledge economy.

Are you involved in any e-book initiatives on campus? Share your story with us by sending an e-mail



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