Academic writing:  History, herstory, your story (by Dr. Karin Cattell, Centre for Teaching and Learning, Stellenbosch University)

Academic writing: History, herstory, your story (by Dr. Karin Cattell, Centre for Teaching and Learning, Stellenbosch University)

Academic writing:  History, herstory, your story

“We spend our years as a tale that is told” (Hofmeyr, 1993)

We all live out stories in our lives, and we understand our lives through the stories we live out, MacIntyre (1997) says. In the same vein our identity can be interpreted as a story we create about ourselves: my identity then depends on the story I choose and live out. Both story and identity are constructed through language: to be identified as a particular person (with a name, for example John), to have various characteristics attributed to oneself (such as kindness), and to refer to oneself (“I said…”, “I meant…”) mean that one is realised in language (Gergen, 1999). The world is shaped by and through language, according to André P. Brink (1998:14), “and most pertinently by and through language ordered as narrative”.
