This case study is meant to explain that our CT scan services are international – there is no need to be here on location for scanning and shipping most typical samples are no problem at all. The advantage? The price! The price of CT scans is much lower here than in your local CT service lab. So to make a case study of this we scanned a South African 2 Rand coin and a 2 Euro coin, as well as my credit card. All images here are from CT scans – and imaged using VGSTUDIO MAX 3.2. No coins or credit cards where harmed in the making of this case study (totally non-destructive process).
First up – the Euro (video here – Euro video):
Now for the South African Rand (video here 2 Rand):
Now, we take apart the Euro (video here euro take apart):
For viewing the Euro and Rand side by side – see this video Euro and Rand
Comparing the Rand to the Euro – clearly the Euro is thicker:
And overlapping them – it seems there are mostly major deviations between Euro and Rand.
So can you pay by credit card? yes you can. Here is an example of a X-ray of a credit card with chip (and small crack in plastic):
Also see the CT scan of the chip in this video and image below: credit Card Chip Wall Thickness
We hope you enjoyed this case study. On a more serious note – if you know microCT scanning and want to send us your parts you are welcome – we offer international CT scan and analysis services on hourly rates of $165 (US). If you are unsure please see the “make an order” tab or contact us to make you a quote. For international shipments, please add clearly to the package “for testing only – nominal value $1” to ensure no delays and simplify the process, and please use dedicated courier services (e.g. DHL), not postal services.