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Verward oor besoekersaktivering?

Twee weke gelede het ons `n nuwe gedesentraliseerde proses vir die aktivering van toegang van besoekers aan die US-kampus aangekondig. (lees die artikel hier) Daar bestaan egter nog `n mate van verwarring oor die prosedures en hoe dit werk.

Om die proses eenvoudiger uit een te sit, het ons `n diagram saamgestel wat presies verduidelik hoe die stappe werk. Al dié inligting is ook in teks formaat op ons wiki beskikbaar. 


kliek op die grafika vir die groter weergawe


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2 Responses to “Verward oor besoekersaktivering?”

  1. Sonja van der Westhuizen says:

    Application for access to SUNid is a once off.

    If someone in a department has SUNid access, he/she can capture the information of the visitor. The US number is available immediately and visitor role is assigned automatically.No email required.

    At present a different form (online) has to be completed to apply for a username – again no email.

    When the username is created, e-mail is sent to the requester to advise password.

    Future plans do include an improved workflow / one stop service. We need to do this in phases.

    —- Hans Scheffler

  2. Stan says:

    Almost all visitors require network access. Instead of simple one-stop system, this system requires three different emailed responses to be sent before a visitor (who arrives with no Sunid) will be registered for network access.


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