From the Chair

Updates about the Chair, the Members and the IP Unit

NEW eBOOK: “Awakening The Lion” by Owen Dean

Posted on Jan 22, 2013

NEW eBOOK: “Awakening The Lion” by Owen Dean

The CIP is proud to announce the publication of Prof Dean’s latest book, “Awakening The Lion – The Case of The Lion Sleeps Tonight” by Tafelberg Publishers. This book tells the story behind the story of a copyright saga that made international headlines and features Prof Dean’s first-person account of the pioneering and proudly South African case that made legal history. Background: After Solomon Linda, a struggling South African musician, composed what became the world-renowned song The Lion Sleeps Tonight (originally called Mbube), Linda signed away his...

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Book launch – A hero’s welcome for Prof Dean’s Handbook on Copyright (Revision 14)

Posted on Sep 25, 2012

Book launch – A hero’s welcome for Prof Dean’s Handbook on Copyright (Revision 14)

“From Dickens to Dean” was the heading of one of the book reviews after the Handbook of SA Copyright Law was first published in 1987. Since then The Handbook of South African Copyright Law has substantially been rewritten and updated to the extent that it is now in its third edition. According to Mabel Jansen SC, “the hallmark of Dr Dean’s book is that he is a masterful craftsman as far as the layout and language of the work are concerned, rendering the contents of his work accessible to novice and expert alike. The book is a veritable tour de force which is rendered even more...

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Insider Views: The IP Law short course a resounding success

Posted on Aug 1, 2012

Insider Views: The IP Law short course a resounding success

There is a saying that goes: “The past is history, the future hasn’t come yet so live for the moment.” After this week I totally disagree. IP is the future. This pioneering short course was a combined effort of The Anton Mostert Chair of Intellectual Property at Stellenbosch University and the Law@Work Professional Development Project of the Law Faculty at the University of Cape Town. The joint presentation was at the outset a challenge – several contracts between the two universities were required for the course to be presented.  The accreditation process for the course was not...

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CIP on eTV News – Copyright in the National Anthem (VIDEO)

Posted on Jun 22, 2012

CIP on eTV News – Copyright in the National Anthem (VIDEO)

Copyright in parts of the National Anthem, as well as the composite work, does not belong to the State. This was the finding of Prof Owen Dean, incumbent of the Chair of IP, in a recent publication on IPStell (read more). The CIP’s research also found that copyright in the music of The Call (“Die Stem”) belongs to Prof JM de Villiers of the Department of Mathematics at SU. This story was awarded to eTV as an exclusive, broadcast on national and satellite TV on 20 and 21 June 2012, and followed by a LIVE interview with Prof Owen Dean. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The following...

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Desmond Tutu Peace Trust forges ties with Chair of Intellectual Property

Posted on May 3, 2012

Desmond Tutu Peace Trust forges ties with Chair of Intellectual Property

The Desmond Tutu Peace Trust (DTPT) has bestowed a great honor on Stellenbosch University by engaging the services of the Chair of Intellectual Property (CIP) at the Faculty of Law. The Chair has accepted the position of chief Intellectual Property Law advisor to the Trust and will in future be available to assist in all aspects of the Trust’s intellectual property rights management. The first mandate to the CIP is to advise the Trust during current negotiations with Google Inc and others. The CIP in its executive capacity (the IP Unit – Owen, Cobus and Sadulla) will provide its...

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Publication: Sport as a Brand (Global Sports Law and Taxation Reports)

Posted on May 3, 2012

Publication: Sport as a Brand (Global Sports Law and Taxation Reports)

Owen’s article “Sport as a brand and its legal protection in South Africa” has been published by the quarterly Global Sports Law and Taxation Reports (March 2012, Issue 1, Pages 41 – 46). An abridged version of this article has been published by CIP earlier, and the full text is now available in the PUBLICATIONS section. Follow Share on Tumblr

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