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Sit `n bietjie krag in jou Powerpoint en Outlook

Volgende week se  Powerpoint en Outlook-opleiding is spesiaal vir Tygerberg-gebruikers. 

As jy `n biejie woema in jou aanbiedings wil sit of wil uitvind hoe om jou Outlook vir meer as net e-posse stuur, te gebruik, sluit by ons aan by Gerga op Tygerberg die 22ste en 23ste Oktober.

Intermediêre Outlook 2010:  22 Oktober     

Customizing Message Options, Organizing and Locating Messages, Setting Calendar Options, Tracking Activities Using the Journal, Managing Tasks, Sharing Folder Information, Customizing the Outlook Environment

Intermediêre Powerpoint 2010: 23 Oktober

Getting Started with PowerPoint, Creating a Basic Presentation, Formatting Text on Slides, Adding Graphical Objects to a Presentation, Modifying Graphical Objects in Presentations, Working with Tables, Working with Charts, Preparing to Deliver a Presentation.

Om in te skryf volg die volgende prosedure. Geen inskrywings kan ongelukkig deur die IT Dienstoonbank namens personeel gedoen word nie.

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