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Academic IT

SUNLearn Updates

Woensdag, September 4th, 2024

November 2024

Dear Staff and Students

We are happy to report that, thanks to the efforts of our IT and Centre for Learning Technologies colleagues, the plan for a stable SUNLearn platform is well underway. The process of migrating all academic modules from SUNLearn to the four new faculty-based SUNLearn instances with their unified view is ongoing. All modules should be migrated to their new homes by the beginning of December 2024. This will allow staff to organise their modules on the new platform for a successful start to the new year. We thank all academic staff working on the migration on top of the daily demands of their jobs.

We acknowledge the frustration SUNLearn caused during the first half of 2024 and want to thank everyone for their understanding and patience during trying times. The migration of FMHSLearn in July-August showed that the plan for creating different instances is working. Overall, SUNLearn and FMHSLearn worked well during the third and fourth terms. This gives us confidence that the new faculty-based instances of SUNLearn will provide a robust and reliable system for 2025 and beyond.

In preparation for the migration, we asked all staff to do extensive housekeeping on their modules, cleaning up and streamlining the content. This made a difference, and we want to thank all staff who supported the migration process in this way. We have also asked staff to start thinking about reviewing their SUNLearn modules to create more student- and system-friendly learning experiences.  In the coming weeks we will be communicating further guidance to navigate the new SUNLearn instances. We thank all staff who indicated they want to start with a fresh module look for next year. We hope more academics will also consider using the template that we provided to organise their modules.

We believe the SUNLearn platformnoffers an opportunity to start a new phase in the use of our learning management system for effective teaching and learning. The Centre for Learning Technologies in the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Division is committed to providing support on the optimal utilisation of the LMS.  We will communicate further in this regard next week.

With many thanks to all.

Prof Lis Lange

Acting Senior Director DLTE


Dr Antoinette van der Merwe

Chief Director IT


September 2024 

Please note that SUNLearn and FMHSLearn may be unavailable from Friday, 6 September, at 21:00 to Monday, 9 September, at 07:00. 

During the upcoming IT Maintenance Weekend from 6 to 9 September 2024, we will implement Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on our Learning Management Systems (LMS). This update is crucial to ensure accurate monitoring of user access through the Azure administration portal, as well as maintaining the security and integrity of both SUNLearn and FMHSLearn. 

After this upgrade, all users will be required to use the Microsoft Authenticator App as a second layer of security when logging on to SUNLearn and FMHSLearn.  

NB: All the Computer User areas will be excluded and it will therefore not have an impact on assessments at this stage. 

Many thanks for your ongoing cooperation. 


June 2024 

SUNLearn has experienced disruptions and instability over the last year. The intensification of these problems at the start of the 2024 academic year required that IT and the Division for Teaching and Learning Enhancement (LTE) implement an emergency plan to optimise the performance of SUNLearn. This was done by distributing the storage and load across Faculty-specific LMS platforms. The first of these was FMHSLearn. The Medicine and Health Sciences Faculty has successfully used FMHSLearn since March 2024. This was followed by the creation of EMSLearn (EMS and Military Faculties),  STEMLearn (Science, AgriScience and Engineering Faculties), and SocSciLearn (Arts, Education, Law and Theology Faculties). 

Where are we now? 

Further migration to additional LMS environments was halted in May 2024 to ensure stability and continuity during the first semester of the academic year. The team supporting the FMHSLearn, SUNOnline, SUNLearn and Student Feedback platforms focused on ensuring that there was limited disruption to campus activities. We are very grateful for the cooperation of academics in “cleaning up” the system by reducing module sizes and duplications. This process is still underway within faculties.

What is the plan of action for Semester 2 this year?

  • Archiving and LMS preparation: IT will utilise the remainder of the academic year to archive and remove all content on the SUNLearn database, up to and including 2022 content. The team will continue to prepare and test the LMS environments as indicated above to test and demonstrate the so-called “unified view” where students could have modules over LMS environments.
  • Engagement with Academic Affairs Council: We will also engage with the Academic Affairs Council to assist us in preparing orientation material for students. After the December 2024 graduation, modules will be further migrated to EMSLearn, SocSciLearn and STEMLearn. This is in preparation for the 2025 academic year, at which time each of the LMS platforms will be live and available to staff and students as their new online Teaching-learning-assessment platforms. 
  • Support from the Division for Learning and Teaching Enhancement and Centre for Learning Technologies: The DLTE, through the Centre for Learning Technologies (CLT) will continue to support staff and students via the SUNLearn support desk, including monitoring and support for assessments hosted on SUNLearn where needed. CLT will draft and circulate guidelines for instructional design to faculties for dissemination to lecturers. This will aid in reducing the size of large modules, while retaining the educational value of the blended learning approach followed at SU. 

This plan of action requires that there is a close monitoring of SUNLearn during assessment period. For the IT/CLT team to do this effectively, we need faculties to ensure that all their assessments are captured on the Assessment calendar. All high-stakes assessment dates and times (especially those happening in CUAs, and those that use special plugins like Coderunner) need to be captured on the Assessment calendar by sending a meeting request to  

Further constructive feedback from students and staff remains important so that we can improve the learning environment. We are committed to reacting with urgency to resolve issues and provide a reliable learning environment. 

Many thanks for your ongoing cooperation.

SUNLearn: nuutste nuus

Woensdag, Februarie 16th, 2022

Ons ondervind sedert Maandag, 14 Februarie, ernstige probleme met SUNLearn. Dit sluit databasis toegangsprobleme en onvolledige of foutiewe studente module-registrasies in.

Die saak word as `n hoë prioriteit insident hanteer. Om die probleme aan te spreek is dit egter nodig om die vloei van studente module-registrasies van die studentestelsel na SUNLearn, sowel as handregistrasies op SUNLearn, tot môremiddag (17 Februarie 2022) om 14h00 af te skakel.

Dit sal die tegniese span die geleentheid gee om die probleem te ontleed sonder dat bykomende moduleregistrasies ‘n addisionele las op die stelsel plaas.

Ons vra verskoning vir die ongerief. Ons is bewus van die uitwerking wat die situasie op studente en personeellede het en ons doen ons bes om die stelsel so gou as moontlik weer volledig werkend te kry.


Ondersteuning van leer en onderrig deur middel van tegnologie

Woensdag, Februarie 2nd, 2022

Soos ons die nuwe, akademiese jaar betree is daar baie verwagtinge, bekommernisse, opgewondheid en geleenthede wat wag. Danksy die pandemie het SUNLearn die sentrale platform vir leer, onderrig en waardebepaling geword, net soos ons dit in ons geestesoog voorgestel het.

Met dit in ag geneem, `n stelsel of ekosisteem van platforms en hulpbronne is slegs so goed as die mense wat dit gebruik en ondersteun. Die Leertegnologiespan is geleë in beide die Sentrum vir Leertegnologie en in Informasietegnologie. Hierdie twee spanne verseker dat beide stelsels (IT) en die eindgebruikers (CLT) ondersteun word sodat die behoeftes vir die verskillende metodes van dienslewering vir Leer en Onderrig aan die universiteit ondersteun word. 

Gee ons die geleentheid om vir jou `n bondige oorsig te gee van wie ons is en wat ons doen. 

Leertegnologie-stelsels: Akademiese IT

Hierdie span word bestuur deur Lianne Keiller wat in die pos van Verhoudingsbestuurder vir die Leer- en Onderrigverantwoordelikheidsentrum haar pligte vervul. Haar primêre rol is om te verseker dat die fakulteite en Afdeling vir Leer- en Onderrigbevordering ondersteun word wanneer hulle toegang tot IT-dienste benodig en dat IT reageer op die behoeftes van hierdie omgewings. 

Binne hierdie span werk Mphonyana Wessels direk met verskaffers wat derde party programmatuuroplossings bied aan Leer en Tegnologie. Haar primêre rol is om gesprekke te fasiliteer tussen die fakulteite se gemengde leer koördineerders, die eindgebruiker-ondersteuningspan en Akademiese IT. Mphonyana tree ook op as die direkte lynbestuurder vir die Uitgebreide Leertegnologie-ruimtes (ELS) ondersteuningspanne. Die ELS-projek leen dit tot in-klas stroming vir studente wat nie fisies op kampus is nie. 

 Lucky Liremi is die inwonende tegniese ghoeroe in die LTS-span. Sy werk is om te verseker dat alle ondersoeke van die agtergrond-ondersoeke, stelsels en toetsing gedoen word. Lucky werk saam met ons interne en eksterne vennote om so vinnig moontlik te reageer op enige versoeke wat personeel en studente maak ten opsigte van SUNLearn, SUNStream en enkele ander stelsels.

Aphiwe Ngunge kan gesien word op kampus waar hy beweeg tussen die IT HUB en die IT-gebou. Aphiwe is beskikbaar om studentenavrae oor SUNLearn te beantwoord en/of om een-tot-een opleiding aan studente te verskaf om te verseker dat hulle optimaal benut wat SUNLearn aan hulle kan bied. 

Leertegnologieë Ondersteuningstoonbank

Morris Samuels bestuur sy span as Raadgewer in die CLT-omgewing. Met sy span van vier personeellede streef hulle om `n wye reeks dienste te verskaf wat leer en onderrig deur die gebruik van tegnologie doenbaar maak en waar moontlik, verbeter. Dié vyf-lid ondersteuningspan verskaf ondersteuning vir `n verskeidenheid navrae. Twee addisionele personeellede is onlangs aangestel om spesifiek uit te help met Hibriede-leer navrae. 

Met meer as 30 000 aktiewe gebruikers op SUNLearn is dit dikwels `n uitdaging om intyds te reageer soos versoeke en navrae inkom. Die meerderheid navrae word binne een uur beantwoord en dit is hulle doel om die omkeertydperk van ondersteuningsnavrae te verbeter. 

Alle navrae kan gemaak word by: of per telefoon by 021 808-2222

Wat die dienstoonbank bied:

  • Telefoniese ondersteuningsdiens
  • Basiese SUNLearn-opleiding vir personeel
  • Departmentele opleiding
  • Individuele konsultasies
  • Telefoniese en dienstoonbankondersteuning vir e-waardebepaling

Tipes navrae waarmee die dienstoonbank kan help:





SUNOnline kursusnavrae deur fasiliteerders en deelnemers


Opstel van waardebepallings, versoeke vir waardebepaling-monitering, studentenavrae 

SUNLearn Teams-ondersteuning

Activeringsversoeke vir modules op Teams-ruimtes

Stroom- and klasopnames


Techsmith Relay

Camtasia Studio

Opleiding, lisensieversoeke, Foutopsporing

Derdeparty funksie-ondersteuning

Cengage, Matlab, Mcgraw-Hill, programmatuur, fakulteit e-boeke


Respondus, Exam view, Lockdown browser & Monitor


SUNLearn-funksie versoeke

Moodle plugin en nuwe funksie versoeke


Turnitin taakverstellings, versoeke om verhandelings te verwyder, algemene foutopsporing

Ondersteuning aan dosente

Raadgewend, riglyne en opleiding


SUNLearn klieker hulpmiddel, bespreking van klieker-toestelle

Navrae wat die Leertegnologie-ondersteuningspan nie mee kan help nie:

  • Wagwoord verval – Kontak asseblief vir hierdie navrae.
  • SUN-toegang en gebruik – Kontak asseblief vir hierdie navrae.
  • Kortkursus-registrasie of die uitreik van sertifikate – Kontak asseblief Kort Kursusse-afdeling vir hierdie navrae.
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) bedienerprobleme en -ondersteuning -Kontak asseblief jou RGA-bestuurder vir hierdie navrae.
  • Finale oplaai van tesisse – Kontak asseblief
  • Dié afdeling is ook nie verantwoordelik vir biblioteekverwante toegang of gebruik nie en is gevolglik nie in staat om hierdie tipe navrae te kan beantwoord nie. 



ELS – Nie net nog `n akroniem nie!

Woensdag, Februarie 2nd, 2022

Extended Learning Spaces is sedert die projek verlede jaar geloods is `n gesprekspunt. Dié projek se doel is om te verseker dat alle lesinglokale wat gereeld deur studente en personeel gebruik word, ingerig is sodat studente virtueel en in-persoon dieselfde ondervinding kan hê

Omdat ons vir die aflewering van hardeware van oorsese verskaffers moes wag was daar `n effense vertraging. Ons is egter in ons noppies om te kan sê dat Akademiese IT nou besig is om te verseker dat klaskamers wat reeds opgestel is volledige ondersteuning kry. Ons doen dit in samewerking met die fakulteite se RGA-spanne en IT-personeel. 

Vir dosente wat hulp nodig is, is die volgende beskikbaar:

  1. Opleiding in die gebruik van toestelle en sagteware.
  2. Probleemopsporing as foute teëgekom word.
  3. Intydse virtuele of in-persoon ondersteuning


Hoe kry jy die hulp wat jy nodig het?



Die Leertegnologieë Ondersteuninngstoonbank kan gebruik word vir nie-kritiese navrae of om opleiding aan te vra.


Vir onmiddellike bystand:


Skakel 021 808-2999   
Skandeer die QR-kode  
Kontak ons op MS Teams  


(English) New multi-language feature implemented on REDCap

Dinsdag, Februarie 1st, 2022

Jammer, hierdie bladsy is nie in Afrikaans beskikbaar nie.


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