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Fortinet VPN replaced by Citrix gateway

Many of you have been using FortiClient VPN for quite some time to access internal University services i.e.

  • TeraTerm
  • SSH or remote desktop to your work computer/server, usually for access to specialist software or resources.
  • Full drive mapping (G: H: and P:) and scope of services as if you are in your office. 

However, FortiClient is built on outdated technology and from the end of February no longer be the default VPN (Virtual Private Network).

The new service has been made available by Information Technology for students and staff.  Citrix Gateway will allow you to access internal, University network-based applications from the Internet. This service, as well as the University, is protected and secured by multi-factor authentication for identity verification and requires that a device must meet specific security requirements before it is allowed on the University’s network.

Windows users:

If you are a Windows user, we recommend that you replace FortiClient with Citrix Gateway as soon as possible. 

Linux users:

Unfortunately, our Linux users can only use Citrix on the following versions: 

  • Ubuntu LTS 14.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS. (32-bit and 64-bit)  

If you are using other versions of Linux, you will still have to use FortiClient until an alternative becomes available. FortiNet installation instructions can be found here. 

Apple users:

Users with Apple devices such as MacBooks and iMacs can log a request for assistance on the ICT Partner Portal.

How to I get Citrix Gateway?

Students and permanent staff with Windows devices can migrate to the new VPN service by going to their web browser to the site and follow the on-screen instructions.

SunID users need to log a request on the ICT Partner Portal and select the Remote Access option right at the top. Once a technician contacts you and all required info is received, you can migrate to SU VPN MSP service by going to their web browser to the site and follow the on-screen instructions.

Alternatively, you can log a request for assistance with the setup of VPN on the ICT Partner Portal.

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