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Fixed internetfee now included in networkregistration

Monday, February 8th, 2021

At the end of 2019 when the Council of Stellenbosch University approved the budget for 2020, it included the introduction to a a new internet model. This decision led to a phasing out process of Inetkey – the tool used to track and account for the internet usage of staff and students. Although Inetkey still had to be used to gain access to the Internet, students were no longer charged for internet usage. Charging of staff usage was temporarily suspended for 2020.

However, the idea of “free” internet was only applicable to internet for students to ensure access to complete their studies effectively.  Payment for Internet for staff still has to paid for by departments. The Finance Committee decided to levy an annual, once-off fee and for 2021 a once-off fee of R674.00 (R57.83 per month) was agreed on.

From this year the annual internet fee will be included in the network registration fee which includes the renewal of usernames. All staff usernames expire at the end of March and staff annually have to reactivated online.

Currently the cost registration of a username on the network is as follows:

Internet fee: R674.00
Network/username fee: R287.00

Total: R961.00

Please take note that the internet fee is only levied on the “primary username”. If you have more than one username linked to your SU number, the internet fee will only be levied once. (For example generic departmental usernames).

For enquiries regarding the reactivation of usernames, please log a request on the ICT Partner Portal or refer to our service catalogue for more information

Enquiries regarding the internet fee can be directed to the Finance Department. 

Reactivate your username before 1 April

Monday, February 8th, 2021

Network access (usernames) for staff will expire at the end of March unless you reactivate your username.

We suggest that you reactivate yours as soon as possible to ensure uninterrupted access to IT services (internet, email, SUN-e-HR etc.). Keep in mind that the cost centre manager still has to approve your request before your username is reactivated; allow sufficient time for this to be done to avoid disruption of your service.

You will receive an email from indicating that your username (“engagement”) will expire soon. Three notifications will be sent before the end of March. Alternatively, you can go directly to the reactivation page.

Once logged into the reactivation page, you can select the services you want to reactivate.  You are encouraged to read the ECP (Electronic Communication Policy) before reactivating.

Choose the services (network / email usernames and internet usernames) you want to register for (see images below).


Reactivation of internet usernames is no longer necessary and can be ignored.

Make sure you select the correct cost points and if you’re unsure ask your cost centre manager. Click Accept and Reactivate.

 You will receive a notification stating that your request has been submitted, as well as a confirmation email. 

The webpage will indicate that it will be activated as soon as it has been approved by the cost centre manager. When the cost centre manager approves the reactivation request access will be extended to the end of March next year.

If you have completed these steps successfully and still receive emails from urging you to reactivate, please go back to the reactivation page and make sure the appropriate boxes are checked: Your Network / Email usernames Your Internet usernames

 If you are still not able to reactivate, please raise a request at

Internet downtime due to firewall upgrade

Thursday, February 4th, 2021

During the weekend of 19 February the outdated firewall that we have been using for internet access from campus up till will be replaced with brand new technology. 

Due to the firewall upgrade the internet will not be available from Saturday, 20 February 2021 at 10:00 to Sunday, 21 February 2021 at 12:00. This upgrade will be taking place during the scheduled, quarterly maintenance weekend.

No internet traffic to and from campus will therefore be possible. This includes VPN-access to the SU intranet and all services hosted on the network.  

After the replacement Inetkey will no longer be used for internet access. 



Fortinet VPN replaced by Citrix gateway

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021

Many of you have been using FortiClient VPN for quite some time to access internal University services i.e.

  • TeraTerm
  • SSH or remote desktop to your work computer/server, usually for access to specialist software or resources.
  • Full drive mapping (G: H: and P:) and scope of services as if you are in your office. 

However, FortiClient is built on outdated technology and from the end of February no longer be the default VPN (Virtual Private Network).

The new service has been made available by Information Technology for students and staff.  Citrix Gateway will allow you to access internal, University network-based applications from the Internet. This service, as well as the University, is protected and secured by multi-factor authentication for identity verification and requires that a device must meet specific security requirements before it is allowed on the University’s network.

Windows users:

If you are a Windows user, we recommend that you replace FortiClient with Citrix Gateway as soon as possible. 

Linux users:

Unfortunately, our Linux users can only use Citrix on the following versions: 

  • Ubuntu LTS 14.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS. (32-bit and 64-bit)  

If you are using other versions of Linux, you will still have to use FortiClient until an alternative becomes available. FortiNet installation instructions can be found here. 

Apple users:

Users with Apple devices such as MacBooks and iMacs can log a request for assistance on the ICT Partner Portal.

How to I get Citrix Gateway?

Students and permanent staff with Windows devices can migrate to the new VPN service by going to their web browser to the site and follow the on-screen instructions.

SunID users need to log a request on the ICT Partner Portal and select the Remote Access option right at the top. Once a technician contacts you and all required info is received, you can migrate to SU VPN MSP service by going to their web browser to the site and follow the on-screen instructions.

Alternatively, you can log a request for assistance with the setup of VPN on the ICT Partner Portal.

WiFi access on campus

Tuesday, November 17th, 2020

Since the beginning of this year MatiesWiFi is no longer be available and all users will be required to use eduroam for wireless connections. 

The reason for this change is the necessity to move away from a less secure WiFi option (MatiesWiFi) to a more secure one where your data and identity are encrypted and protected (eduroam)

How to access eduroam if your device is already registered

If your device is already registered on SU WiFi network, namely MatiesWiFi or Secure, it will be able to connect to eduroam automatically. Just use your full username ( ) and password to log in. Instead of MatiesWiFi or Secure select the eduroam network on your device’s WiFi settings. In order to access the internet via eduroam, you will still need to open your Inetkey.

Further instructions are available here.

How to access eduroam if your device is not registered

If your device is not registered for the SU WiFi network please use Registerme to do so. Each device must be registered on its own and you can register up to 5 devices on US WiFi network.

Take note that these instructions are only applicable if you want to register your device on the eduroam WiFi network. For other network registration please log a request on our ICT Partner Portal

More information on WiFi connectivity.


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