Dr Bradley Greenhalgh

Regsopleiding en Studente Koördineerder | Legal Education and Student Coordinator

LLB (Stell), LLD (Stell)



Bradley Greenhalgh obtained his LLB degree from Stellenbosch University in 2004. He returned to the Faculty in 2010 in the role of Student Coordinator, before completing his LLD in collective labour law in 2020. His role changed to include legal education in 2022.  Bradley Greenhalgh het in 2004 sy LLB graad by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch verwerf.  Hy het in 2010 weer by die Fakulteit aangesluit as Studente Koördineerder en in 2020 sy LLD graad in kollektiewe arbeidsreg voltooi. Sy rol het in 2022 verander om regsopleiding in te sluit.

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