BComm LLB LLD (Stell)
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Professor Zsa-Zsa Boggenpoel lectures both Property Law 272 and Advanced Property Law 457. Her area of interest includes a range of topics in the field of property law. She completed her LLD in 2010 with a dissertation entitled “Building encroachments and compulsory transfer of ownership”.
Professor Boggenpoel has received numerous awards from Stellenbosch University and from universities abroad, including the Henry Arthur Holland Scholarship in Law from the University of Cambridge, London (2009), a Visiting Scholarship from the Molengraaff Institute for Private Law at Utrecht University, Netherlands (2009), the Mellon Academic Development Award from the Division for Research Development at Stellenbosch University (2014) and the Vice-Rector Award for one of the researchers who made the biggest contributions at Stellenbosch University in accredited publications, and/or persons who graduated 3 or more PhD-students for the December 2014/March 2015 graduations. She has published numerous journal articles and 1 book since commencing her academic career in 2011 and has presented nationally and internationally at conferences associated with her field of interest. She is also actively involved in postgraduate supervision of postdoctoral fellows, doctoral dissertations and masters theses as she is passionate about the next generation of scholars tasked with the responsibility of developing the law in line with the Constitution. In 2023, Professor Boggenpoel was awarded the National Research Fund (NRF) rating in the category C1. She was promoted to full professor in the Department of Private law at Stellenbosch University in 2017. She currently specialises in Property law, Constitutional Property law and Property theory. She was the incumbent of the South African Research Chair in Property Law (Tier 1) under the NRF: South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) from March 2018 to December 2022.
Professor Zsa-Zsa Boggenpoel doseer die modules Sakereg 272 en Gevorderde Sakereg 457 aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Haar vakkundige belangstellings strek oor ʼn reeks onderwerpe in die gebied van sakereg. Sy voltooi haar LLD met ʼn proefskrif getiteld “Building encroachments and compulsory transfer of ownership.”
Professor Boggenpoel is die ontvanger van verskeie toekennings van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch en buitelandse universiteite, onder meer die Henry Arthur Holland-regsbeurs van die Universiteit van Cambridge, Londen (2009), ʼn besoekersbeurs van die Molengraaff Instituut vir Privaatreg by die Universiteit van Utrecht, Nederland (2009), die Mellon Akademiese Ontwikkelingstoekenning van die Afdeling: Navorsingsontwikkeling aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, en ʼn Viserektorstoekenning vir navorsers wat aansienlike bydraes by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch gelewer het in geakkrediteerde publikasies en/of as studieleier opgetree het vir 3 of meer suksesvolle doktorale kandidate in die gradeplegtighede vir Desember 2014/Maart 2015. Sy word erken as die outeur van verskeie vakkundige joernaalartikels en het 1 boek sedert haar akademiese loopbaan wat in 2011 begin het, gepubliseer. Sy het in die buiteland en in Suid-Afrika referate in haar navorsingsgebied by konferensies gelewer. Verder is sy aktief betrokke as studieleier vir nadoktorale genote, doktorale kandidate en vir meesterskandidate. Dit alles weens haar passie vir die sukses van die volgende generasie akademici om by te dra tot die ontwikkeling van die Suid-Afrikaanse reg na aanleiding van die Grondwet. ʼn Gradering in die kategorie C1 van die Nasionale Navorsingstigting (NNS) is in 2023 aan Professor Boggenpoel toegeken. In 2017 is sy as vol professor aangestel in die Departement Privaatreg aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Haar spesialisgebied sluit in Sakereg, Grondwetlike Sakereg en die Teoretiese onderbou van Sakereg. Sy het vanaf Maart 2018 tot Desember 2022 die Suid-Afrikaanse Leerstoel vir Sakereg (Vlak 1) onder die NNS se South African Research Chairs Initiative beklee.
Modules taught
Private Law 272 Private Law 457
Modules aangebied
Privaatreg 272 Privaatreg 457
Fields of specialisation
Property Law Constitutional Property Law Property Theory
Areas van belangstelling
Sakereg Grondwetlike Sakereg Teoretiese Onderbou van Sakereg
- Z Temmers Building Encroachments and Compulsory Transfer of Ownership unpublished LLD dissertation (2010) Stellenbosch University.
Journal articles/Joernaalartikels
- Juta’s Quarterly Review (Property) for 2012-present.
- ZT Boggenpoel “The discretion of court in encroachment disputes. [Discussion of Phillips v South African National Parks Board (4035/07) [2010] ZAECGHC 27 (22 April 2010)]” 2012 Stell LR 253-264.
- ZT Boggenpoel “Compliance with section 25(2)(b) of the Constitution: When should compensation for expropriation be determined?” 2012 SALJ 605-620.
- ZT Boggenpoel “The decision to order transfer of encroached-upon land: A constitutional analysis” 2013 THRHR 1-15.
- ZT Boggenpoel “Creating a servitude to solve an encroachment dispute: A solution or creating another problem” 2013 PELJ/PER 454-484.
- ZT Boggenpoel & JM Pienaar “The continued relevance of the mandament van spolie: recent developments relating to dispossession and eviction” 2013 De Jure 998-1021.
- ZT Boggenpoel “Does method really matter: Reconsidering the role of common law remedies in the eviction paradigm” 2014 Stell LR 72-98.
- ZT Boggenpoel “Applying the mandament van spolie in the case of incorporeals: two recent examples from case law” 2015 TSAR 76-93.
- ZT Boggenpoel “The ambit of the discretion of courts in the case of encroachments: Fedgroup Participation Bond Managers (Pty) Ltd v Trustee of the Capital Property Trust Collective Investment Scheme in Property” 2015 SALJ 5-15.
- ZT Boggenpoel “Questioning the use of the mandament van spolie in Ngqukumba v Minister of Safety and Security 2014 5 SA 112 (CC)” 2015 PELJ/PER 736-754.
- ZT Boggenpoel “Can the journey affect the destination? A single system of law approach to property remedies” 2016 SAJHR 71-86
- ZT Boggenpoel Property remedies (2017) Cape Town: Juta.
- ZT Boggenpoel & JM Pienaar “Mother rights and daughter rights: The relationship between ownership and habitatio in the eviction context” in JC Sonnekus Festchrift (2017) 321-332.
- ZT Boggenpoel & CT Cloete “The proprietary consequences of estoppel in light of section 25(1): Testing Van der Walt’s hypothesis” in AJ van der Walt Festchrift (2018).
- JH Swanepoel & ZT Boggenpoel “Intangible constitutional property: A comparative analysis” 2018 Stell LR.
- CT Cloete & ZT Boggenpoel “Re-evaluating the prescribed role of courts pertaining to the court system applicable in PIE eviction cases” 2018 SALJ.
- ZT Boggenpoel “Constitutional Property Law” ASSAL (2018).
Conferences and Workshops/Konferensies en Werkswinkels
- Presented a paper at the Women’s Land Indaba (A joint project of the Trust Chair for Social Justice, Faculty of Law and the Division for Social Impact, SU) in April 2019.
- Presented a paper at the annual Association for Law, Property and Society conference hosted in Maastricht (Netherlands) in May 2018.
- Hosted the annual Property Law Teachers Colloquium at the Stellenbosch University (November 2017).
- Presented a paper at the annual Association for Law, Property and Society conference hosted in Detroit, Michigan (United States) in May 2017.
- Hosted the SARCPL International Conference in Property Law at STIAS entitled Property law in the new constitutional dispensation: Embracing Andre van der Walt’s legacy – The past and future.
- Presented a paper at the Property Law Teachers Colloquium hosted by the University Johannesburg (October 2016).
- Presented a paper at South African Research Chair in Property Law Housing day seminar (August 2014) entitled “Development of common law remedies to protect constitutional rights: Examples in the case of evictions”.
- Presented a paper at Property Law Teachers Colloquium hosted by the University of KwaZulu-Natal (October 2014).
- Presented a paper at New York Law School hosted by (November 2014).
- Member of the Young Property Lawyers Forum (YPLF).
- Attended the New Work in Property and Trusts Symposium at the University College, London in April 2013.
- Presented a paper at Property Law Teachers Colloquium hosted by the University of Free State (October 2013) entitled “Does method really matter? Reconsidering the role of common law remedies in the eviction paradigm”.
- Attended the Goethe-Institut language course in Freiburg, Germany from November 2013 – February 2014.
- Presented a paper at the Property Law Teachers Colloquium hosted by the University of Cape Town on 2 November 2012 entitled “Revisiting impossibility as a defence against defence the mandament van spolie”.
- Attended the Young Property Lawyers Forum (YPLF) is hosted by the South African Research Chair in Property Law (SARCPL). (situated at Stellenbosch University), from Sunday 28th until Tuesday 30th October 2012 at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS).
- Presented a paper at the Modern Studies in Property Law Conference at the University of Southampton, London (March 2012) entitled “The decision to leave encroachments in place: A constitutional analysis”.
- Presented a paper at Property Law Teachers Colloquium hosted by the University of Namibia (October 2011) entitled “Compensation for (or before) expropriation: Haffejee NO and Others v eThekwini Municipality and Others [2011] ZACC 28; CCT 110/10 (25 August 2011)”.
- Attended the Modern Studies in Property Law Conference at the University of Oxford, London (2010).
- Visited the Molengraaff Insitute for Private Law, Utrecht University, The Netherlands for doctoral research purposes (2010).
- Presented a paper at the International Property Law Teachers Conference hosted by the University of South Africa entitled “Constitutional Implications: Encroachment by Building and Forced Sale of Land” in 2010.
- Attended the Ius Commune Conference hosted by the South African Research Chair in Property law in 2009 – Stellenbosch University.