Navorsingsgenoot / Research Fellow
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Prof CG van der Merwe het die fakulteit verlaat in 2000 en het ‘n aanstelling aanvaar as professor in siviele reg aan die Universiteit Aberdeen in Skotland. Hy tree af in September 2005 en spandeer die res van die jaar tot einde Junie 2006 as besoekende professor by die Seoul National University in Korea. Tydens hierdie tydperk bied hy ‘n lesing aan oor die afdwinging van Conduct Rules aan die University Valladolid in Spanje en twee gaslesings aan die University Kyushu in Japan. Aan die begin van die 2007 akademiese jaar aanvaar prof van der Merwe die posisie as navorsingsgenoot aan die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid, Stellenbosch Universiteit. Hy bied modules op beide voorgraadse en nagraadse vlak aan. Sy area van belangstelling is die Sakereg, Deeltitels, Romeinse Reg en Europese Regsgeskiedenis. Prof van der Merwe is ook Emeritus Professor van Siviele Reg aan die Universiteit Aberdeen. Die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid, Stellenbosch Universiteit het ‘n uitruilooreenkoms met die Universiteit van Aberdeen.
Areas van belangstellingSakereg, Deeltitels, Romeinse Reg, Europese regsgeskiedenis Modules aangebiedLLB: Deeltitles |
Prof CG van der Merwe left the Law Faculty in 2000 to become the Professor of Civil Law at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. He retired from this post in September 2005 and spent the rest of that year until the end of June 2006 as Visiting Professor at the Seoul National University in Korea. During that time he gave a presentation on the enforcement of Conduct Rules at the University of Valladolid in Spain and two guest lectures at the University of Kyushu in Japan. He has taken up the post of Research Fellow at the University of Stellenbosch from the beginning of 2007 and presents courses in International Apartment Ownership in the LLM programme and in Sectional Titles for the final year LLB class. His main focus is still the Law of Property, Sectional Titles, Roman law and European Legal History. Professor C G van.der Merwe is also Emeritus Professor of Civil Law at the University of Aberdeen where, under existing arrangements, he works in the first semester of each year. The Stellenbosch University Law Faculty has a link with the Law School of the University of Aberdeen.
Fields of SpecialisationLaw of Property, Sectional Titles Modules taughtLLB: Sectional Titles |
Publikasies / Publications
Artikels / Articles
- Van der Merwe CG, “Way of Necessity: Should blokland ever be left sterile?” Journal of South African Law 2008 (1) 142 – 151
- Van der Merwe CG, “The adaptation of the institution of apartment ownership to civilian property law structures in the mixed jurisdictions of South Africa, Sri Lanka and Louisiana” Stellenbosch Law Review 2008 19(2) 298 – 313
- Van der Merwe CG, “Refusal to consent to change the use of a sectional title unit – Cuje-Jakoby v Kaschub” Journal of Contemporary Roman Dutch Law 2008 71(4) 692 – 698
- Van der Merwe CG, “A critical analysis of the role of the developer in sectional tile developments” Journal of South African Law 2008(2) 222 – 237
- Van der Merwe CG, “Polish Apartment Ownership compared with South African Sectional Titles” Stell Law Review 2006; 17(1) : 165 – 189
- Van der Merwe CG, Pienaar JM “Law of Property (including Real Security)” Annual Survey of South African Law 2004 : 341 – 376
Artikels (NIE-gesubsidieerd) / Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)
- Van der Merwe CG “The fish that got away: some Reflections on Valentine v Kennedy” Edinburgh Law Review 2008 12(3) 418 – 428
- Van der Merwe CG, Muniz-Arguelles L, “Enforcement of Financial Obligations in a Condomunium or Apartment Ownership Scheme” Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 2006; 16(1) : 125 – 156
Hoofstukke in Boeke / Chapters in Books
- Van der Merwe CG, “Sectional Titles Share Blocks and Time-sharing” Vol 1 Sectional Titles Service Issue 10, in Sectional Titles, Share Blocks and Time-sharing, LexisNexis Butterworths Durban SA 2008 :296
- Van der Merwe CG, Muniz-Arguelles L, “Enforcement of Conduct Rules in a Condomunium or Apartment Ownership Scheme” Festschrift Liber Amicorum Tugrulansay, Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands 2006 : 247 – 266