Dear Students

As promised, an additional few tips on how to approach your heads of argument assignment. [Afrikaans volg na Engels]:

Heads of Argument:

This is a short guideline on a few important technical aspects of the heads of argument. DO NOT USE this document as an all-encompassing guideline for your heads of argument but rather see this as a helpful extra resource to use after you have read and considered all the relevant material and guidelines as provided in the writing guide.

NB: Any examples contained in this document are based on a different factual scenario, and are not relevant to your case study and accompanying heads of argument.

  • Your paragraphs must be numbered. There may be sub-paragraphs, but be wary of trying to include too many ideas/points using sub-paragraphs. There should be no point/full stop after the number (refer to page 54 of the Writing Guide).


1           Make your main point. In order to ensure that your main argument for this paragraph is convincing, the following points will be argued:

1 1        For example, a similar issue might have been decided in case law.

1 2        Or the text of the Constitution could be relevant.

1 2 1     Where a constitutional provision is discussed, related legislation or case law can be discussed in greater detail in a sub-paragraph.

  • You must use headings. The headings should not be numbered. The headings should however follow the style guidelines as contained in the writing guide with the exception that headings should be capitalised. First level headings are done in bold, second level headings are plain, third level headings are done in italics and from fourth level onwards headings are plain. We do suggest that you only use first, second and third level headings.
  • The numbering of your paragraphs should be consecutive and continuous. Although there are headings separating different ideas (paragraphs), the numbering of paragraphs should remain consecutive. The paragraph numbering should therefore not be broken.



  • Your introduction provides the brief context in which your argument will be made.

2    Here you can set out only the most relevant facts that you will use to support your legal argument.

3    You will also indicate to the judge what the main legal issues are that you will address in your heads of argument.


Constitutional provisions

Section 7(2)

4   Section 7(2) of the Constitution obliges the State to respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights in the Bill of Rights


5   The following legislative provisions are relevant and will be addressed in greater detail below:

  • The headings which you decide to use to formulate your heads of argument are very important. Take care that the content of the paragraphs which you include under those headings relate to the heading itself. For example, if you choose to use the heading “Legal issue”, make sure that all the details in those paragraphs relate to the legal issue. Do not include questions of fact or include the factual background, unless discrete facts are used to support your argument.
  • Another useful tip is not to repeat information. If you use the facts in order to support a legal conclusion, do not repeat those facts but rather cross reference effectively.


The state’s conduct (as discussed in paragraph 3) failed to comply with the obligations imposed by the Constitution and the Act in several material respects.

“as discussed in paragraph 3” is the cross reference. Paragraph 3 is where the person (judge) reading your heads of argument would find that “conduct” of the state which lead to the conclusion of failure to comply with constitutional and legislative obligations.

Please note: This a very simple example to illustrate how to cross reference. You would need to provide more detail to show the connection between the facts and the legal conclusion.


Hoofde van betoog:

Hierdie is ‘n kort gids wat handel oor ‘n paar belangrike tegniese aspekte van die hoofde van betoog. Hierdie is NIE ‘n allesomvattende gids tot die opstel van hoofde van betoog NIE, maar eerder ‘n ekstra hulpbron wat geraadpleeg kan word nadat u reeds al die materiaal en riglyne soos vervat in die Skryfgids nagegaan het.

NB: Enige voorbeelde vervat in hierdie dokument is bloot fiksioneel en is nie relevant tot u gevallestudie en die gepaardgaande hoofde van betoog nie.

  • U paragrawe moet genommer wees. Daar mag sub-paragrawe wees, maar wees versigtig om nie te veel idees in te sluit deur middel van sub-paragrawe nie. Daar moet geen punte wees na die nommer nie (sien bladsy 57 van die Skryfgids).


1          Maak u hoof punt/argument. Die volgende punte sal geargumenteer word ten einde te verseker dat u hoof punt/argument vir die paragraaf oortuigend is:

1 1       Byvoorbeeld, ‘n soortgelyke kwessie was al in regspraak aangespreek.

1 2       Of sekere Grondwetlike bepalings mag dalk relevant wees.

1 2 1    Indien u grondwetlike bepalings bespreek, kan u verwante wetgewing of regspraak in meer besonderhede bespreek deur om van ‘n sub-paragraaf gebruik te maak.

  • U moet opskrifte gebruik. Die opskrifte moet nie genommer wees nie. Dit moet die stylriglyne van die Skryfgids volg met uitsondering dat dit in hoofletters moet wees. Eerste vlak opskrifte moet in vetdruk Tweede vlak opskrifte moet gewoon wees en derde vlak opskrifte moet in kursief wees. Vierde vlak opskrifte en verder moet weer gewoon wees. Ons stel voor dat u slegs eerste, tweede en derde vlak opskrifte gebruik.
  • Die numering van u paragrawe moet agtereenvolgend en deurlopend wees. Dit moet agtereenvolgend bly ten spyte van die feit dat u idees (paragrawe) deur opskrifte geskei word. Die numering van u paragrawe moet dus nie opgebreek word nie.



  • U inleiding gee kortliks die konteks waarbinne u argumente gemaak gaan word.

2    Hier kan u die mees relevante feite wat u argument steun uit een sit.

3    U moet ook aandui wat die hoof regsvrae is wat u in u hoofde van betoog gaan aanspreek.


Grondwetlike bepalings

Artikel 7(2)

4   Artikel 7(2) van die Grondwet verplig die Staat om die Handves van Regte te respekteer, te bevorder en te beskerm.


5   Die volgende wetgewende bepalings is relevant en sal hieronder in meer besonderhede bespreek word:

  • Die opskrifte wat u gebruik ten einde u hoofde van betoog te formuleer is van kardinale belang. Maak seker dat die inhoud van die paragrawe onder die opskrifte verwant is aan die opskrifte self. Byvoorbeeld, indien u besluit om ‘n opskrif “Regskwessies” te gebruik, moet die inhoud van al die paragrawe wat daaronder volg verwant wees aan die regskwessies. Moet dus nie in hierdie paragrawe feite vrae of feitlike agtergrond insluit nie, tensy hierdie feite nodig is om u argument te steun.
  • Nog ‘n goeie wenk is om nie inligting te herhaal nie. Indien u feite wil gebruik ten einde ‘n gevolgtrekking te ondersteun moet u eerder kruisverwys na daardie feite en nie net bloot die feite herhaal nie.


Die staat se optrede (soos bespreek in paragraaf 3) het in meerdere aspekte nie aan hul grondwetlike verpligtinge voldoen nie.

“soos bespreek in paragraaf 3” is die kruisverwysing. Paragraaf 3 is waar die regter (die person wat u hoofde van betoog gaan lees) die staat se optrede kan vind wat tot die bostaande gevolgtrekking gelei het.

Neem kennis: hierdie is ‘n baie eenvoudige voorbeeld van kruisverwysing. U sal meer besonderhede moet verskaf ten einde die verband tussen die feite en die gevolgtrekking te wys.
