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Galaxy S3 is hier

Samsung Electronics se nuutste vlagskip intelligente foon, die Galaxy S3, is gisteraand na groot afwagting in Suid-Afrika bekendgestel. Die foon is sedert die einde van verlede maand slegs beskikbaar by Vodacom, maar MTN & Cell C sal dit ook na gisteraand se bekendstelling as deel van hulle kontrakportfolio aanbied. In Suid-Afrika is 50 000 bestellings ontvang voordat die foon bekendgestel is.

Die Samsung Galaxy S III is ‘n intelligente Android-foon aangekondig deur Samsung op 3 Mei 2012 en die opvolger van die Samsung Galaxy S II. Die toestel is op 29 Mei 2012 in 28 lande bekendgestel, onder andere in Europa, Indië en Maleisië.

As jy geinteresseerd is in die tegniese detail, sal jy die gedetaileerde spesifikasies vind op Wikipedia of Samsung se webwerf. Vir objektiewe opinies en resensies, lees meer op CNET.

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2 Responses to “Galaxy S3 is hier”

  1. tianfp says:

    I bought the Galaxy III yesterday, and can confirm that Syncing (calendar, email etc.) is as easy as pie! Seamless.

    It even syncs the drafts folder!

    Prof Robinson, the ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich, 4.0) operating system upgrade, is available for the Galaxy II in South Africa. If you’re cell hasn’t prompted you to upgrade, you should contact your service provider for help, or take the cell phone into the store. It should not take very long to upgrade.

    The upgrade will allow the same syncing capabilities as what the SG III has, seeing as it is the same operating system.

    Hope that helps!

    Kind Regards

  2. Maureen Robinson says:

    I hope this version of the phone can syn with the SUN Outlook calendar, as the Galaxy 11 version cannot, which is most annoying. IT should check this.


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