Jul 31

Ghent nose CT scan

A Ghent nose is a sweet originating from Ghent, Belgium. Since we visited Ghent last month, we decided to scan and analyze a Ghent nose as an example. This example shows how 3D X-ray imaging can be used to visualize internal features of food products, in this case showing clearly some large air bubbles / pores. The colour is added to show the volume of the air bubbles. Besides these images, two videos show more information and below that additional images show 2D X-rays and 3D CT slice images.

Enjoy the sweet treat!

Videos corresponding to the story below are found here:

video nose 1

crop nose to show big air bubbles


First a 3D surface view from the CT scan data, showing the G which stands for Ghent:

29062015_01 Ghent nose 2

The a defect analysis highlights the air bubbles / pores in colour coding according to size and a crop window cuts open the view to reveal the internal features:

29062015_01 Ghent nose 8

A semi-transparent view shows wth shadows the location of the internal semi-liquid compared to the crunchy outer layer, in addition to the internal air bubbles:

29062015_01 Ghent nose 4



A full transparency shows the air bubbles clearly:29062015_01 Ghent nose 6


A wall thickness analysis applied to the crunchy outside layer, shows the layer is thickest on the top (red):29062015_01 Ghent nose 1



A surface determination with triangulation is used to output a STL file for example for 3D printing, here the triangle mesh from CT scan data is shown in blue with more images below showing more detail of the mesh:29062015_01 Ghent nose 9 29062015_01 Ghent nose 10 29062015_01 Ghent nose 11


Here is an X-ray image of the sample in the scan:

Xray Ghent nose


This is a CT slice image showing the contrast obtained on the pore / bubble space:raw330


Analysis performed by Volume Graphics VGStudioMax 2.2