Data, tools and models

On this page, you will find links and access to data generated in the EucXylo program as well as software tools and models which have been developed or used in the program. These data are openly available, but if you want to use them please remember to appropriately cite and give credit where it is due. Please also note that all data and software come with absolutely no warranty and EucXylo and the EucXylo funders carry no liability for the use of the data, tools and models. To access some of the links you will have to create an account; in most cases, a Google account will give you the access you need.

Live weather station

Our weather station, soon to be deployed at the IMPACT site, is already live in a test phase at the nursery behind the Department of Forestry and Wood Science. You can access the live data here.

EucXylo datasets in GEMS

All of the data we generate in the EucXylo program is designed to ultimately be open and available. We have chosen to manage and provide access to our data using the GEMS platform developed at the University of Minnesota. To access the data, please visit here. You may need to request permission (please contact Dr L. Moller). Note that not all data are yet available, and will only be generally available, through GEMS Open, when data packages are completed.

Prototype wireless dendrometers

Chris Erasmus, one of our M. Eng. students has developed an exciting new low-cost, wireless generic dendrometer and local weather monitoring system. Check out the trial data here.

The EuXBrain graph database interface

Coming soon.

The eCambium HW modelling tool

You can download here a software tool, based on the Drew et al. (2010), that simulates daily growth and wood formation in eucalypts. Note that a data file with pre-run data (click here for a demo dataset) is required to run the model. Please note that this was NOT commercial software and was not engineered for trouble-free performance. It is a research product and we take no responsibility for the stability or performance of this software.

Software and scripts

Visit our Github account to get access to some of the published models and parameter sets we have generated. Also see this repository for quantitative wood anatomy tools using QuPath,

Please note that this page is a work in progress… Keep coming back to see what’s new!