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Telkom data-aanbiedinge vir personeel aangebied

Woensdag, Februarie 26th, 2014

`n Paar weke gelede het ons julle vertel van `n pasbekendgestelde Cell C-promosie waar personeel en studente datapakkette kon koop teen `n spesiale prys. 

Die Cell C-promosie is intussen iets van die verlede, maar Telkom het pas met hul eie weergawe vorendag gekom. Vir R99-00 per maand kan jy nou 6 gig se data kry en dis nie net beskikbaar vir studente nie. (Moenie dat die advertensie jou om die bos lei nie)

Lees meer oor hierdie aanbod.

Laai die Inetkey mobile toepassing af

Vrydag, Februarie 14th, 2014

Met die groeiende hoeveelheid mobiele applikasies wat daagliks gebruik word, het die behoefte ontstaan om `n eenvoudige, effektiewe Inetkey-toepassing te skep wat bruikbaar is op alle toestelle en platforms. – insluitend Android, iOS, Blackberry en Windows.

IT se mobiele Inetkey-toepassing is ontwikkel en is beskikbaar vir die verskeie platforms. Laai die gepaste weergawes af deur op die ikone te kliek.  


Daar bestaan reeds nie-amptelike Inetkey mobiele toepassings wat deur privaatpersone ontwikkel is, maar geensins deur Informasietegnologie onderskraag word nie. Nie-amptelike Inetkey toepassings dra die risiko dat dit gebruikers se inligting kan onderskep, wat op die beurt kan misbruik of gesteel word. Gebruikers sleutel besonderhede in op `n toepassing terwyl hulle nie weet hoe of waar dit gestoor word, hoe dit gekommunikeer word of selfs of dit sekuur is nie. 

Ons kan dus geen verantwoordelikheid aanvaar indien gebruikers die toepassings gebruik en probleme ondervind nie. 


Cell C-aanbiedinge nou beskikbaar vir studente en personeel

Vrydag, Januarie 31st, 2014

Studente, sowel as personeel, kan dié jaar van goedkoop selfoon data-aanbiedinge gebruik maak te danke aan `n gesamentlike poging deur die Universiteit en Cell C. 

Hierdie aanbiedinge bring die normale koste per MB van 15c per megagreep af na ongeveer 3.3 sent/meg. Die aanbod sluit 3gb data per maand vir ses maande in teen R600-00, maar daar is ook pakette vir 12 maande as jy dit so sou verkies. 

Cell C sal gedurende dié tydperk `n stalletjie beman op die Rooiplein, onder die brug tussen Admin A en B tot en met 7 Februarie. Al wat jy hoef te doen om die stalletjie te besoek en jou basiese RICA-dokumente – ID en bewys van verblyf te wys. 

 Gedurende Februarie sal Telkom ook hul eie aanbiedinge aan kampus kom bekendstel – net vir ingeval jy uitmis dié rondte.

Vir meer inligting, stuur e-pos die IT HUB by​, loer in by hulle kantoor (ingang onder die brug op die Rooiplein) of besoek Cell C se stalletjie.


Registreer studentetoestelle aanlyn

Donderdag, Januarie 30th, 2014

Vanjaar kan studente vir die eerste keer hulle elektroniese toestelle aanlyn registreer vanuit hulle koshuis- en woonstelkamers i.p.v. om `n lang rye by die IT Studentesentrum te wag.

Toegang tot die proses word verkry wanneer studente inskakel via netwerkpunte in koshuise of wi-fi-punte met die SSID RegisterMe funksionaliteit.

`n Selfhelp gids is ook beskikbaar op die studentewiki.

  • `n Nuwe IT HUB is gevestig in Admin A, toeganklik vanaf die ingang onder die brug op die Rooiplein. Dieselfde dienste wat in die vorige Studentesentrum in Joubertstraat gebied is, sal steeds gelewer word.
    Die groter sentrun bied egter `n vriendeliker omgewing met meer sitplek en lugreëling en sal poog om `n vinniger, meer effektiewe diens aan studente te lewer. Meer inligting:

Netwerktoegang nodig na 31 Maart?

Dinsdag, Januarie 14th, 2014

It may seem far away, but in a little more than 2 months it’s April already. This also means that your network access will no longer be working if you forgot to activate it by 31 March.

Unfortunately network reactivation is a requirement for network usage, but also a fairly fast and painless process.

All network users will receive an e-mail from HELPINFO@SUN.AC.ZA well in advance with the warning that your username will expire shortly if you do not reactivate.  To save yourself unnecessary frustration, immediately log on to HTTP://WWW.SUN.AC.ZA/USERADM and reactivate your username.

Make sure you select the correct option. Reactivation is not the same process as changing your password, so don’t click on “Change password”.

The moment your reactivation is submitted, your cost centre manager be e-mailed and able to approve your application. A daily e-mail will also remind the responsible manager of the request and he/she will be able to approve it by logging on at  HTTP://WWW.SUN.AC.ZA/USERADM, selecting ”Cost Centre Admin” and view and approve all applications.

Make sure you submit your request early, as cost centre managers still have to approve it before 30 March and only then will your access be reactivated.

If you have been caught off guard and without network access on 1 April, first try the self help option at  HTTP://WWW.SUN.AC.ZA/USERADM. (from someone else’s device of course) Select “Reactivate Expired Username” and your username and ID number will be  requested to verify it’s you.

You can also contact the IT Service Centre. However, keep in mind that this is usually one of the busiest days of the year at the Service Desk so you’ll have to practice a bit of patience and wait longer than usual.

We also compiled a few FAQ’s to try and answer most of your questions (see below). For any additional enquiries, contact HELP@SUN.AC.ZA


 1. Why do I have to reactivate each year?
To ensure access to network services.

2. To what services will reactivation give me access?
Personal network space (H-drive), departemental shared space (G-drive), e-mail and internet

3. What is the cost of reactivation?

4. Are the costs for the different network services billed seperately?
No, but take note that internet usage is levied as it’s generated.

5. What is the procedure for reactivation?
Log on at HTTP://WWW.SUN.AC.ZA/USERADM and select “Reactivate username for 2015″, familiarise yourself with the ECP’s content, select the network services you require, make sure the cost point is correct and click on “Submit”.

6. What is the ECP and do I really have to read and understand it before I reactivate?
The Electronic Communication Policy contains important imformation regarding staff member’s responsibilities when using the SU network. It’s essential that you read and understand it’s contents before reactivation.

7. Can cost centres be changed during the reactivation process? 
Yes, changes can be made while reactivating.

8. When will my current network access expire?
31 March 2015

9. I can’t reactivate! What now?
Send an e-mail to HELP@SUN.AC.ZA with a clear explanation of your problem.

10. What happens after I submitted my reactivation application?
The cost centre manager receives and e-mail with the request and processes the application.

11. Should students also reactivate?
No. There are however exceptions if undergraduate students have HR rolls.

12. Can postgraduate Masters and Doctoral students reactivate if they work in departments and have a roll at HR?

13. What is the responsibility of the cost  centre manager?
Managers have to regularly log in to HTTP://WWW.SUN.AC.ZA/USERADM and use the “Cost Centre Admin” option to go through and process applications.

14. What happens if the cost centre manager isn’t available to approve applications? 
Another temporary cost point manager can be assigned by the person responsible for the cost centre.

15. How does a cost centre manager know there are pending applications? 
Managers receive a daily e-mail reminding them or they can log in at HTTP://WWW.SUN.AC.ZA/USERADM and select the “Cost Centre Admin” option.

16. What is the difference between a cost centre manager and the person responsible for the cost centre? (according to the financial system)?
The responsible person for a cost centre and the cost centre manager can both approve applications for SU network services.

17. How are staff reminded to reactivate?
E-mails are sent from HELPINFO@SUN.AC.ZA to remind staff of annual reregistration expiry dates.

18.  It’s April 1st and I have’t reactivated. Can I still reregister?
Sign on at HTTP://WWW.SUN.AC.ZA/USERADM and select “Reactivate Expired Username”. Take note: The application still has to be processed by a responsible cost centre manager before network registration is activated.

19. Who can I contact to establish if my application was successful?
Your cost centre mangager.

20. What do I do if my cost centre manager rejected my application?
Log in at HTTP://WWW.SUN.AC.ZA/USERADM, select ”Reactivate username for 2014″ and make sure you entered the correct cost centre.



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