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WiFi during load-shedding

Tuesday, March 16th, 2021

It seems we are never really done with loads-shedding and even though we try our utmost to prepare for the imminent interruptions, there is only so much we can do.

We realise that a stable internet connection in classrooms is vital for lecturers to stream academic content to students. In most university buildings we have generators in place to provide a backup for load-shedding. However, unfortunately we cannot guarantee uninterrupted supply of power. The reasons are as follows:

When load-shedding starts all network equipment loses power and the generator automatically kicks in. The network equipment will do a so-called “cold-boot” which can take several minutes. Subsequently it can take 10 minutes to 30 minutes (in some extreme cases) for the network to function optimally again.

Adding to this delay it could happen that network equipment will not recover automatically when the generator is activated. In these instances the network and WiFi will remain down for the whole duration of the load-shedding slot. 

Stabilising equipment and connections during load-shedding isn’t practically possible since the effort must be repeated once Eskom switches the power back on. However, we do have a monitoring system which checks for the equipment that does not recover by itself. 

In most cases WiFi and the rest of the network should be operational with the help of generator power after about 10 minutes. To ensure that the transition is seamless and network connectivity continues, it would be helpful if staff in the building could, after about 15 minutes after the generator started, check if the WiFi is active or not. 

IT HUB: only by appointment

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021

All services offered by the IT HUB in the Admin A building – collection of equipment and any type of technical support – are available by prior arrangement only.

If staff need technical support, they need to log a request on the ICT Partner Portal after which they will be contacted by a technician for further arrangements.

Students should make appointments by logging a call at the online service desk in advance. Appointments and rrequests can no longer be logged at the entrance to the IT HUB.

You can also call the IT HUB at 021 8089289, but preferably log a request on the ICT Partner Portal. This can be done as follows:

  1. Log an issue report on the ICT Partner Portal at
  2. Sign on with your SU username and password.
  3. Select the “ICT Partner Portal” service desk.
  4. Students select the IT HUB option. Staff select the  option depending on the type of issue.
  5.  Fill in the necessary information – if there is an asset number, please include it.
  6.  Add any additional information in the description field.
  7.  Copy any related images, files and emails to the attachment area.
  8.  A staff member will make contact once the report has been logged and schedule an appointment.

Students and staff members who have lost their student/staff cards are the only unscheduled visitors allowed at the IT HUB, and only between 08:30 and 16:00 daily.


Careful of Reply All

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

Last month some university staff’s mailboxes were flooded with an email advertising services in what we call an email storm. Apart from being disruptive, these emails weren’t harmful, but we would like to remind you of a five important things to keep in mind before you send email to large groups:

1. ALWAYS use the BCC field, NOT the CC field.
If you use the BCC field instead of the CC field the Reply All option is disabled. Therefore recipients won’t be able to Reply All and cause a flood of inconvenient emails.

2. DO NOT Reply All when you receive an email sent to multiple people.
If you receive an email that has been sent to a large number of people, please by default don’t Reply All. You will only be causing an unnecessary surge of emails and annoy your colleagues. If you need to comment only email the sender or the relevant people.

3. Advertising services or products on the SU network is not allowed.
No staff or student member is allowed to advertise any services on the SU network. This is stipulated in the Electronic Communications Policy which staff and students agree to when reactivating their network access every year.

4. If you need to send official mass communication, consult the Digital Communications Office.
The Digital Communications Office, a division of Corporate Communications, are responsible for campus-wide electronic communication. They use specific platforms to distribute information and will be able to advise you on the most efficient way of sending out your email.

5. Use SYMPA
If you regularly need to send out emails, you can use the SYMPA mailing solution. More information on SYMPA.


Goodbye Inetkey

Monday, March 1st, 2021

Until recently staff and students of Stellenbosch University had to use Inetkey to gain access to the internet. This tool acted both as a security gatekeeper and as a billing system for internet usage. 

At the end of 2019 when the Council of Stellenbosch University approved the budget for 2020, it included the introduction to a a new internet model. This decision also kicked off the project to phase out Inetkey.  The Finance Committee decided to levy an annual, once-off fee and for 2021 a once-off fee of R674.00 (R57.83 per month) was agreed on. Subsequently staff’s internet fee will in future be included in the annual username registration fee. 

The discontinuation of Inetkey also included the replacement of an outdated firewall. During the weekend of 19 February the outdated firewall that we have been using for internet access from campus was replaced and subsequently the necessity for Inetkey fell away.  

After the replacement Inetkey is no longer necessary for internet access and from 15 March the application will give an error message if you use it. You can therefore remove and/or uninstall the Inetkey app from all your devices. 

Fixed internetfee now included in networkregistration

Monday, February 8th, 2021

At the end of 2019 when the Council of Stellenbosch University approved the budget for 2020, it included the introduction to a a new internet model. This decision led to a phasing out process of Inetkey – the tool used to track and account for the internet usage of staff and students. Although Inetkey still had to be used to gain access to the Internet, students were no longer charged for internet usage. Charging of staff usage was temporarily suspended for 2020.

However, the idea of “free” internet was only applicable to internet for students to ensure access to complete their studies effectively.  Payment for Internet for staff still has to paid for by departments. The Finance Committee decided to levy an annual, once-off fee and for 2021 a once-off fee of R674.00 (R57.83 per month) was agreed on.

From this year the annual internet fee will be included in the network registration fee which includes the renewal of usernames. All staff usernames expire at the end of March and staff annually have to reactivated online.

Currently the cost registration of a username on the network is as follows:

Internet fee: R674.00
Network/username fee: R287.00

Total: R961.00

Please take note that the internet fee is only levied on the “primary username”. If you have more than one username linked to your SU number, the internet fee will only be levied once. (For example generic departmental usernames).

For enquiries regarding the reactivation of usernames, please log a request on the ICT Partner Portal or refer to our service catalogue for more information

Enquiries regarding the internet fee can be directed to the Finance Department. 


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