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Connect to WiFi on campus

Thursday, January 27th, 2022


The Wi-Fi network used to connect to the internet access is called eduRoam. Here we explain what it is, how to register and why it is necessary.

What is eduRoam?

eduRoam (education roaming) is the secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community. eduRoam allows students, researchers and staff from participating institutions to obtain internet connectivity across campus and when visiting other participating institutions by simply opening their laptop.

To connect to eduRoam and start using Wi-Fi on campus follow these steps.


WiFi access on campus

Tuesday, November 17th, 2020

Since the beginning of this year MatiesWiFi is no longer be available and all users will be required to use eduroam for wireless connections. 

The reason for this change is the necessity to move away from a less secure WiFi option (MatiesWiFi) to a more secure one where your data and identity are encrypted and protected (eduroam)

How to access eduroam if your device is already registered

If your device is already registered on SU WiFi network, namely MatiesWiFi or Secure, it will be able to connect to eduroam automatically. Just use your full username ( ) and password to log in. Instead of MatiesWiFi or Secure select the eduroam network on your device’s WiFi settings. In order to access the internet via eduroam, you will still need to open your Inetkey.

Further instructions are available here.

How to access eduroam if your device is not registered

If your device is not registered for the SU WiFi network please use Registerme to do so. Each device must be registered on its own and you can register up to 5 devices on US WiFi network.

Take note that these instructions are only applicable if you want to register your device on the eduroam WiFi network. For other network registration please log a request on our ICT Partner Portal

More information on WiFi connectivity.

WiGig – new generation WiFi?

Friday, September 20th, 2013

Just when we got used to all the pros and cons of WiFi, a new contender we don’t know much about yet, appears on the horizon. Let’s look at the strengths and weaknesses of  WiGig.

WiGig is another wireless standard just like WiFi, but in spite of this there are some significant differences.

WiGig’s  range is considerably closer than WiFi, won’t easily reach past 10 metres and doesn’t particularly like to go through walls. So why would you want to use it?  

Image credit: WiGig Alliance

WiGig is fast, faster than the Wifi we’re used to. It operates on a much higher frequency (60GHz ) than traditional bandwidths and mobile signals and can deliver speeds of up to 7Gbps. lewer. However, as soon as your devices are further away, speed performance decreases rapidly.

Experts therefore recommend that WiGig be used for home entertainment systems, tablets and home pcs and in addition to your existing WiFi connection.  

If energy saving is important to you, you can consider WiGig with a clear conscience as it’s been designed as a low energy alternative. It also claims to use five times less energy than WiFi and radio signals are set up to avoid congestion and send signals directly to it’s goal. 

WiGig was established by the Wireless Gigabit Alliance, which included members like Broadcom, Cisco, Intel, Microsoft, Dell, Nokia, Toshiba, Qualcomm, NEC, Panasonic and other large corporations. At the moment the WiGig standard is currently going through various certification programmes, but according to estimations these will be completed by the end of 2013.


How to save battery life on you cell phone

Friday, October 26th, 2012

In a previous post we gave you some tips on saving your cell phone’s battery life and received such a positive response, we decided to continue with a follow-up.

The demand and expectation to be available and connected at all times, is constantly increasing. However, few things are as frustrating as having to make an important call or send an e-mail and our phone suddenly dies on you.

A dead cell phone battery is inevitable, but you can take small measures to ensure that it does last a little bit longer.

1. Wi-fi, 3G and Bluetooth

If any of these functions are activated by default they will constantly try to connect to any available service or device in the area. If you do need to be connected all the time, disable them and connect when needed.

2. Back light

Do you really need a bright back light on your screen in the middle of the day? Your phone needs energy to generate the light and the brighter the screen, the more battery life you sacrifice. Rather set the light less bright.

3. Apps

Sure, it’s very cool having all the latest apps giving you all sorts of information. Just keep in mind that apps need a lot of power to run.Power you might need to make an important call.

4. GPS

Using your GPS for checking in on Twitter or other social networks may be handy, but it will make a huge dent in your battery life. And when your GPS fails and you get lost, how will you make that call?

5. Alerts

Are you one of those forgetful people who has to reminded of every appointment and task on your list every hour? Notifications on cell phones are very handy, but putting your phone on vibrate and receiving regular notifications take up a substantial amount of power.





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