Marine Mammalogy – UP (2)

Photo: Fur seal pups on a beach, Gough Island (Mia Wege).

SANAP Project Name: Subantarctic Fur Seals at the Tristan da Cunha Islands

Principal Investigator: Prof Marthán Bester 

Project Description: To use these top predators as bioindicators of environmental conditions and as tools for suitable management of natural resources, we aim to determine the seasonal at-sea movements of both adult female and weaned pup Subantarctic fur seals from the four TdC Islands. We also measure and contrast the growth rate and/or weaning mass of pups at the different colonies, the result of the 10-11 month nursing period. Scats (with indigestible prey remains) and whiskers (for stable isotope signatures) are collected to determine the seals’ diets. Censuses to determine population size (from pup production) and population trend of the subpopulations at all four TdC islands are carried out, and we accumulate information on possible anthropogenic influences (entanglements, disturbance).

Discipline: Marine Mammalogy

READ MORE:  Tristan da Cunha Philately & NatGeo Expedition News

Contact Details

Address: Mammal Research Institute
Department of Zoology & Entomology, Hatfield, University of Pretoria
Tel: +27-(0)12-4202067
Fax: +27-(0)12-4202534