AntarcticheritageHistoryLegacySouthern OceanSub-Antarctic

This past Sunday, the Antarctic Legacy of South Africa(ALSA) celebrated World Heritage Day but on the same day, a fire started on Table Mountain and spread towards the University of Cape Town(UCT). Several buildings were damaged and a devasting loss is that of some of the special collections of UCT Libraries. “This is indeed a […]

heritageHistoryInternational Celebration Day

On the 18th April 2021 we observe World Heritage Day which seeks to spread awareness of our rich cultural diversity and highlight the importance of preserving our heritage. The importance and purpose of celebrating World Heritage Day is to educate the younger generation to establish their legacy, respect our diverse cultures and preserve global heritage […]


The First South African to reach the South Pole was Hannes La Grange on 19 January 1957 as part of the Commonwealth Trans Antarctic Expedition. Hannes la Grange was also the first leader of an overwintering team to Antarctica (SANAE 1). “On 19 January we saw the American South Pole  Station ahead of us. We […]