
Preserving and promoting the Antarctic legacy for the future generations of South Africa with an open access repository is the work of the Antarctic Legacy of South Africa (ALSA) Project. It is a National Research Foundation-funded project that forms part of the South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP). It is based in the Department of […]

Marion IslandScienceSub-AntarcticTeams

He overwintered on Marion Island (2015-2016) as part of Marion72, to collect data for his Master’s degree in Geomorphology. He is once again appointed as a Marion Island field assistant, part of Marion75 (2018-2019), watch this video to see what Abu is doing on Marion Island. Also, read the first newsletter of M75 and meet […]

BotanyMarion IslandScienceSub-Antarctic

Marion Island, Invasive Speices, Aliens, SANAP Project

The Marion Island 2018 take-over expedition was successful for terrestrial scientists…I interviewed some scientists before the expedition. Let’s hear more about the “Invasions in the changing sub-Antarctic” project, Principal Investigator: Dr Michelle Greve, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Pretoria.   Anché Louw, Antarctic Legacy of South Africa, Department of Botany and Zoology, […]