As we mark the significant anniversary of 30 years of constitutional democracy in South Africa, the time is ripe for scholarly reflection on how the value and institutional architecture of accountability under our Constitution can be re-envisioned and revitalised to advance the full and equal enjoyment of human rights for all. Accordingly, Professor Sandra Liebenberg,…


It is with great sadness that I heard the news of Laurie’s passing whilst attending a conference on constitutional justice in Bogotá, Colombia. Laurie has had an enduring relationship with Stellenbosch University and its Law Faculty. He obtained his BA degree (cum laude) from Stellenbosch University. After obtaining his BA honours in jurisprudence as a…

1st Annual National Multidisciplinary Postgraduate Student Conference on Contemporary Urban Development Questions

Doctoral and Masters students from relevant fields of research are invited to the upcoming Multidisciplinary Postgrad Student Conference on Contemporary Urban Development Questions. This year’s theme is: “Social Justice and Sustainable Urban Development in the African Context”. Registration link: *This is a virtual event*

2023 Top Academic Achiever Prize Announcement | 2023 Top Akademiese Presteerder-prys Aankondiging

The alumni of the Faculty annually fund various bursaries for financially needy and academically deserving students. However, until 2020, exceptional academic achievement has never been recognised specifically. In 2020, the Law Faculty Trust first introduced a prize (amounting to R200 000, which approximately covers the tuition cost of a legal qualification) to an academic top…

Legal Writing Development

Are you a legal practitioner in need of a refresher course to improve your legal writing? Sign up for the Legal Writing Development short course if you want to improve general writing skills in an academic environment and develop an effective and concise writing style in a legal context. (The course does not cover drafting…