Romario’s Seabirds Christmas Gift campaign more than doubles its target for the Mouse-Free Marion Project!
Eleven-year-old Romario Valentine’s Seabirds Christmas Gift campaign for Marion Island’s beleaguered albatrosses has raised over R 20 000, more than double the R 10 000 he aimed to raise for the Mouse-Free Marion Project. The total amount received of R 20 530.30 has come from 36 individual donors in only five weeks since the campaign opened in late November last year.
Read more here.
Featured Image: Romario holds his Certificate of Appreciation and a book on Marion and Prince Edward Islands sent in grateful thanks for his sterling fund-raising efforts.
With thanks to Ria Olivier, Antarctic Legacy of South Africa for donating the 2010 book (Marion & Prince Edward. Africa’s Southern Islands).
Text: John Cooper, News Correspondent, Mouse-Free Marion Project, =26 January 2023
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