The Antarctic Legacy of South Africa(ALSA) launched another book ‘MarionThroughTheLens’ by Sean Evans and Tavis Dalton on 12th June in the Department of Botany and Zoology at Stellenbosch University. Tavis and Sean preserved their legacy with a photographic biography.
Following a welcome by Ria Olivier, Prof Steven Chown of Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future (SAEF) addressed the audience on the importance of Marion Island before the authors told their story. The story of modern Marion Island life and living: a sealers perspective. (Left: Tavis Dalton. Right: Sean Evans)
Sean Evans and Tavis Dalton were members of the Marion 76th expedition overwintering team where they served as field research assistants from April 2019 – May 2020 working on the three seal species and killer whales found at the island. This photographic biography tells the story of their once in a lifetime opportunity to experience this far away paradise. They expressed their thanks to the Marion Island Marine Mammal Programme (MIMMP) team, with special thanks to Prof Nico de Bruyn and Dr Chris Oosthuizen to their friends and family, past Marion sealers and our M76 team members who made our year possible and one to remember for a lifetime.
(Above: collage of a few photographs from the publication)
This was a publication to tell their story, but simultaneously create awareness for the biodiversity of Marion Island. ALSA and the authors got together and wanted to contribute to Marion Island conservation and therefore 30% of the profit goes to the Mouse-Free Marion(MFM) project. On the evening and with pre-launch sales, ALSA was able to donate 5 hectares to MFM project
Above: Tavis and Sean photographed with Steven Chown and others. L-R: John Cooper(MFM), Ria Olivier(ALSA), Tavis Dalton, Sean Evans, Prof Steven Chown, Dr Sue Tonin, Dr Anton Wolfaardt.
During the rest of the event the authors signed copies and everyone had a good time with family, friends and colleagues.
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The ALSA team is now working on a few more books in the next three years and announcements to come on this website and ALSA social media platforms.