Marion IslandNewsPrince Edward IslandsPromoteSouthern Ocean

South Africa’s sub-Antarctic weather station on Marion Island has joined with the station on Gough Island to help raise awareness of next year’s inaugural World Albatross Day on 19 June 2020 by displaying a banner. Both islands are inhabited by teams from South Africa’s National Antarctic Programme (SANAP) which include marine ornithologists who are studying […]

AntarcticaArchiveNewsPreservePromoteSouthern OceanSub-Antarctic

The 2019 International Open Access Week (21-27 October 2019) theme is “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge”. The Antarctic Legacy of South Africa is pleased to say that our digital archive is open for all  to use. The ALSA archive focuses on preserving South Africa’s involvement in the Antarctic region, including Marion Island, Gough […]

AntarcticaArchiveartefactJobsMarion IslandMeteorologyPreserveSANAESub-Antarctic

Derivation of the word metkassie A ‘metkassie’ is a nickname long given to meteorological technicians at South Africa’s southern weather stations, including at Marion Island. In pre-plastic days, and with the original need for man-handling cargo ashore across a boulder beach prior to the cliff top cranes at Gunner’s Point, supplies came ashore on Marion […]