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February 2016
This day in history: a death on the R.S.A. in Antarctica in 1962
The R.S.A., South Africa’s first Antarctic supply vessel, reached the Antarctic ice shelf on its maiden voyage on 25 January 1962 and commenced offloading cargo and disembarking personnel. Some days later on 8 February a fatality occurred aboard when the ship’s Radio Officer, Tom Moriarty died from an apparent heart attack. The ship’s Captain, Kenneth McNish reported in his book The Eternal Ice that the Radio Officer had been feeling ill for some days, complaining of severe chest pains. Off-loading…
Find out more »This day in history: the S.A.S. Protea sails for Antarctica after krill
On 10 February 1978 the South African hydrographic vessel S.A.S. Protea commenced an Antarctic cruise for the (then) Sea Fisheries Branch of the Department of Industries as part of an an international study of Antarctic Krill Euphausia superba and other biological aspects of the Southern Ocean. Aboard was a Westland Wasp Helicopter of 22 Squadron, South African Air Force that was used to search for krill swarms. The ice-strengthed ship reached the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula near the…
Find out more »March 2016
This day in history: First at the Prince Edwards? A Dutch East Indiaman discovers the islands of Maerseveen and Dina in 1663
On 14 February 1663 the 1210-ton Maerseveen of the Vereenigde Oostindishe Compagnie (VOC, Dutch East India Company) left Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope (modern Cape Town) after a 10-day stay on its second voyage to Batavia (Jakarta, Indonesia). Venturing farther south than usual in what was recorded as generally fine weather the Dutch East Indiaman came across two islands at a reported 41°S on 4 March. Her Captain, Barent Barentzoon Ham named the more northerly island Dina (also given…
Find out more »This day in history: the new Marion Island Research Base is officially opened in 2011
On 18 March 2011 the new base at Marion Island was officially opened in a ceremony on the island. The new base was built over a number of years adjacent to the old base. A special voyage of the S.A. Agulhas was laid on to take invited guests, including university researchers and media, south for the event. This was Voyage 155 of the ‘red taxi’, towards the end of its life as South Africa’s Antarctic research and supply vessel, which…
Find out more »April 2016
This day in history: the S.A. Agulhas rescues a sick man from SANAE III on 26 April 1980
An unscheduled voyage on South Africa’s second Antarctic supply ship, the S.A. Agulhas, took place over 15 April to 4 May 1980 to Antarctica in response to news of an ill member of the 21st Overwintering Team at the SANAE III base in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. A published report taken from Antarctic, magazine of the New Zealand Antarctic Society, edited for grammar and errors, of the voyage follows: “A rescue flight was made on April 26 by two South…
Find out more »May 2016
This day in history: ‘Van’ van der Merwe becomes the Leader of the first South African weather team on Gough Island in 1956
Johannes J. ‘Van’ van der Merwe (Meteorological Assistant Gr. II) of the then South African Weather Bureau (SAWB) was the only South African member of the privately-organized Gough Island Scientific Survey (GISS) that spent six months on the island over 1955/56. He was also the oldest member at 30 years of age. When the survey members left Gough on 13 May 1956 on the frigate S.A.S. Transvaal (Lieutenant Commander George Noel Green) for Cape Town, ‘Van’ stayed behind at The…
Find out more »November 2016
February 2017
March 2017
April 2017
The S.A. Agulhas II departs for Marion Island
It's that time of the year again - the Marion Island annual relief voyage. The S.A. Agulhas II will be transporting over 100 people to sub-Antarctic Marion Island today. Scientists of different South African tertiary institutions, staff of the Department of Environmental Affairs, staff of the National Department of Public Works (who will be giving some attention to the maintenance of the research station) and the 74th Overwintering Team will be on-board the vessel.
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